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There are 20 words containing 2J, S and U

JUJUSjujus n. Plural of juju.
ju-jus n. Plural of ju-ju.
JUJU n. a fetish or charm.
JUJITSUjujitsu n. A method of self-defence established in Japan emphasizing “jū” (soft or gentle) “jutsu” (art or technique)…
jujitsu n. Brazilian jiu-jitsu, a related art, derived from judo.
jujitsu n. (Figuratively) Strategic maneuvering, especially with the aim of using the strength of one’s opponent…
JUJUBESjujubes n. Plural of jujube.
JUJUBE n. a fruit-flavored candy.
JUJUISMjujuism n. The practice of juju.
JUJUISM n. a belief in jujus.
JUJUISTjujuist n. One who practises juju.
JUJUIST n. a follower of jujuism.
JUJUTSUjujutsu n. Alternative form of jujitsu.
JUJUTSU n. (Japanese) a Japanese art of self defence, also JIUJITSU, JIUJUTSU, JUJITSU.
JEJUNUMSjejunums n. Plural of jejunum.
JEJUNUM n. (Latin) the middle division of the small intestine, between the duodenum and ileum.
JIUJITSUjiujitsu n. Alternative spelling of jujitsu.
jiu-jitsu n. Alternative spelling of jujitsu.
jiu-jitsu n. Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
JIUJUTSUjiujutsu n. Alternative form of jujitsu.
JIUJUTSU n. (Japanese) a Japanese art of self defence, also JIUJITSU, JUJITSU, JUJUTSU.
JUJITSUSjujitsus n. Plural of jujitsu.
JUJITSU n. (Japanese) a Japanese art of self defence, also JIUJITSU, JIUJUTSU, JUJUTSU.
JUJUISMSJUJUISM n. a belief in jujus.
JUJUISTSjujuists n. Plural of jujuist.
JUJUIST n. a follower of jujuism.
JUJUTSUSJUJUTSU n. (Japanese) a Japanese art of self defence, also JIUJITSU, JIUJUTSU, JUJITSU.
JIUJITSUSJIUJITSU n. (Japanese) a Japanese art of self defence, also JIUJUTSU, JUJITSU, JUJUTSU.
JIUJUTSUSJIUJUTSU n. (Japanese) a Japanese art of self defence, also JIUJITSU, JUJITSU, JUJUTSU.
JEJUNENESSjejuneness n. The state or condition of being jejune.
JEJUNENESS n. the quality of being jejune.
JEJUNITIESjejunities n. Plural of jejunity.
JEJUNITY n. something that is naive.
JEJUNOSTOMYjejunostomy n. (Medicine) The surgical creation of an opening into the jejunum to allow artificial feeding.
JEJUNOSTOMY n. surgical excision of the jejunum.
JEJUNENESSESJEJUNENESS n. the quality of being jejune.
JEJUNOSTOMIESjejunostomies n. Plural of jejunostomy.
JEJUNOSTOMY n. surgical excision of the jejunum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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