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There are 18 five-letter words containing K, T and Y

KELTYKelty prop.n. A surname.
Kelty prop.n. A village in Fife council area, Scotland (OS grid ref NT1494).
KELTY n. (Scots) a bumper or glass filled to the brim, esp. one imposed as a forfeit, also KELTIE.
KILTYKILTY n. one who wears a kilt (a type of skirt), also KILTIE.
KITTYkitty n. (Informal) A kitten or young cat.
kitty n. (Childish, sometimes capitalized) A pet name for a cat.
kitty n. A money pool used for a particular purpose, such as for a card game or for shared expenses.
KYATSkyats n. Plural of kyat.
KYAT n. (Burmese) the standard Burmese monetary unit, equal to 100 pyas.
KYDSTkydst v. (Obsolete, nonce word) knows (second-person singular).
KYTHE v. to make known, also KITHE.
KYTESkytes n. Plural of kyte.
Kytes prop.n. Plural of Kyte.
KYTE n. (Scots) the belly.
KYTHEkythe v. To make known in words; to reveal, announce, proclaim, declare, tell.
kythe v. To make known by action, appearance; to manifest, show, prove, demonstrate, indicate.
kythe v. Alternative form of kithe.
SKYTEskyte v. Alternative form of skite.
skyte n. Alternative form of skite.
SKYTE v. (Scots) to dart or glide.
TACKYtacky adj. Of a substance, slightly sticky.
tacky adj. (Colloquial) Of low quality.
tacky adj. (Colloquial) In poor taste.
TAKKYtakky n. Alternative form of takkie.
TAKKY n. (South African) a tennis shoe or plimsoll, also TACKY.
TALKYtalky adj. (Of a person) Talkative or loquacious.
talky adj. (Of a book etc.) Containing a great deal of dialogue or talking in general.
TALKY adj. tending to talk a great deal.
TANKYtanky adj. (Gaming) Able to withstand much damage, having a lot of hit points (that is, like a tank).
tanky n. (Nautical, slang) A sailor who assists the navigator of the ship; a sailor in charge of the ship’s hold…
tanky n. Alternative form of tankie (“a soldier from a tank regiment; a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain”).
TICKYticky adj. Infested with ticks (the tiny woodland arthropod of the order Acarina).
ticky n. (Childish) a tick (particularly, a check mark).
ticky interj. (Onomatopoeia, also tick) Representing short pitchless sound at a reasonable volume.
TOCKYTOCKY adj. muddy.
TOKAYtokay n. A variety of grape grown in eastern Hungary and in eastern Slovakia.
tokay n. Any of a variety of white wines made from this grape.
tokay n. The tokay gecko, a spotted lizard native to Asia and some Pacific islands.
TRYKEtryke n. (Slang) A lesbian trans woman.
TRYKE n. a tricycle, also TRIKE.
TUSKYtusky adj. Having tusks, especially prominent tusks.
tusky n. (Dialect, Yorkshire) rhubarb, sticks from that vegetable.
TUSKY adj. having prominent tusks.
TYKEStykes n. Plural of tyke.
Tykes n. Plural of Tyke.
TYKE n. a small child, also TIKE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 50 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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