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There are 20 words containing K, M, U and W

LUKEWARMlukewarm adj. (Temperature) Between warm and cool.
lukewarm adj. Unenthusiastic (about a proposal or an idea).
LUKEWARM adj. moderately warm.
LUKEWARMISHlukewarmish adj. Somewhat lukewarm; tepid.
LUKEWARMISH adj. somewhat lukewarm.
LUKEWARMLYlukewarmly adv. In a lukewarm manner, tepidly, without enthusiasm.
LUKEWARM adv. moderately warm.
LUKEWARMNESSlukewarmness n. The property of being lukewarm; ambivalence, weakness.
LUKEWARMNESS n. the state of being lukewarm.
LUKEWARMNESSESlukewarmnesses n. Plural of lukewarmness.
LUKEWARMNESS n. the state of being lukewarm.
LUKEWARMTHlukewarmth n. Lukewarmness.
LUKEWARMTH n. the state of being lukewarm.
LUKEWARMTHSLUKEWARMTH n. the state of being lukewarm.
MUCKSWEATMUCKSWEAT n. a profuse sweat.
MUCKSWEATSMUCKSWEAT n. a profuse sweat.
MUCKWORMmuckworm n. A larva living in mud or manure.
muckworm n. Someone who gathers wealth through overwork of employees and sordid means; a miser.
MUCKWORM n. a worm found in manure.
MUCKWORMSmuckworms n. Plural of muckworm.
MUCKWORM n. a worm found in manure.
STUMPWORKstumpwork n. A style of embroidery where the stitched figures are raised from the surface of the work to give a three-dimensional…
STUMPWORK n. a type of embroidery featuring raised figures, padded with cotton, wool or hair.
STUMPWORKSSTUMPWORK n. a type of embroidery featuring raised figures, padded with cotton, wool or hair.
TUTWORKMANtutworkman n. A laborer who carries out tut-work.
TUTWORKMAN n. one who does tutwork, piecework.
TUTWORKMENtutworkmen n. Plural of tutworkman.
TUTWORKMAN n. one who does tutwork, piecework.
UNWORKMANLIKEunworkmanlike adj. Not workmanlike.
UNWORKMANLIKE adj. not workmanlike.
WAUKMILLwaukmill n. Alternative form of waulkmill.
WAUKMILL n. a fulling-mill, also WALKMILL, WAULKMILL.
WAUKMILLSwaukmills n. Plural of waukmill.
WAUKMILL n. a fulling-mill, also WALKMILL, WAULKMILL.
WAULKMILLwaulkmill n. A mill for waulking or fulling cloth.
WAULKMILL n. a fulling-mill, also WALKMILL, WAUKMILL.
WAULKMILLSwaulkmills n. Plural of waulkmill.
WAULKMILL n. a fulling-mill, also WALKMILL, WAUKMILL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 319 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 53 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 10 words

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