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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing K, L, O, R and V

LAVEROCKlaverock n. Alternative form of lark (“the bird”).
LAVEROCK n. (Scots) a songbird, the lark, also LAVROCK.
LAVEROCK v. to catch larks.
LAVROCKSlavrocks n. Plural of lavrock.
LAVROCK n. (Scots) a skylark, also LAVEROCK.
LOOKOVERlookover n. A brief visual inspection.
look␣over v. (Transitive) To give a brief visual inspection.
look␣over v. (Transitive) To scan-read and check for errors.
OVERBULKoverbulk v. To oppress by bulk; to tower over.
OVERBULK v. (Shakespeare) to oppress by bulk.
OVERKILLoverkill n. (Literally, military) A destructive capacity that exceeds that needed to destroy an enemy; especially…
overkill n. (Literally) Destruction beyond what is necessary to kill, especially in murder.
overkill n. (By extension) An unnecessary excess of whatever is needed to achieve a goal.
OVERLOCKoverlock n. (Sewing) A stitch that sews over the edge of one or two pieces of cloth for edging, hemming or seaming.
overlock v. (Sewing) To stitch in this manner.
overlock v. (Transitive) To make the bolt of a lock go too far.
OVERLOOKoverlook n. A vista or point that gives a beautiful view.
overlook v. To offer a view (of something) from a higher position.
overlook v. To fail to notice; to look over and beyond (anything) without seeing it.
OVERMILKovermilk v. (Transitive) To milk (a cow or other animal) too much.
overmilk v. (Transitive, figurative) To exploit too much.
OVERMILK v. to milk to excess.
OVERTALKovertalk v. (Intransitive) To talk too much.
overtalk v. (Transitive) To overcome or persuade by talking; talk over.
overtalk v. (Transitive) To overstate; overexaggerate; talk up to seem greater than what is actual.
WALKOVERwalkover n. An easy victory; a walkaway.
walkover n. (Sports) A bye or victory awarded to a competitor when a scheduled opponent fails to play a game.
walkover n. A horse race with only one entrant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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