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There are 18 six-letter words containing L, P, R and T

PALTERpalter v. To talk insincerely; to prevaricate or equivocate in speech or actions.
palter v. (Now rare) To trifle.
palter v. To haggle.
PALTRYpaltry adj. Trashy, trivial, of little value.
paltry adj. Of little monetary worth.
paltry adj. Despicable; contemptibly unimportant.
PARTLYpartly adv. In part, or to some degree, but not completely.
PARTLY adv. in some degree.
PATROLpatrol n. (Military) A going of the rounds along the chain of sentinels and between the posts, by a guard, usually…
patrol n. (Military) A movement, by a small body of troops beyond the line of outposts, to explore the country…
patrol n. (Military) The guards who go the rounds for observation; a detachment whose duty it is to patrol.
PELTERpelter n. One who pelts.
pelter n. (Sometimes figurative) A pelting; a shower of missiles, rain, anger, etc.
pelter n. (Dated) A pinchpenny; a mean, sordid person; a miser; a skinflint.
PELTRYpeltry n. Pelts or skins, collectively; skins with the fur on them; furs.
PELTRY n. the skins of animals with the fur on them.
PERTLYpertly adv. In a manner that is lively or high-spirited.
PERT adv. impudent, jaunty.
PETRELpetrel n. Any of various species of black, grey, or white seabirds in the order Procellariiformes.
PETREL n. a kind of seabird.
PETROLpetrol n. (Chiefly Australia, UK, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Singapore) petroleum, a fluid consisting of…
petrol n. (Informal) A motor vehicle powered by petrol (as opposed to diesel).
PETROL v. to supply with petrol (gasoline).
PLATERplater n. Someone who plates metal.
plater n. Someone who installs sheet metal and armour plating, particularly on trains, ships, tanks, and similar items.
plater n. A machine for calendering paper.
PORTALportal n. An entrance, entry point, or means of entry.
portal n. (Internet) A website or page that acts as an entrance to other websites or pages on the Internet.
portal n. (Anatomy) A short vein that carries blood into the liver.
PORTLYportly adj. Somewhat fat, pudgy, overweight.
portly adj. (Now rare) Having a dignified bearing; handsome, imposing.
PORTLY adj. corpulent, stout.
PROTYLprotyl n. Alternative form of protyle.
PROTYL n. (Greek) a hypothetical source of the chemical elements, also PROTYLE, PROTHYL.
RAPTLYraptly adv. In a rapt manner.
RAPT adv. deeply engrossed.
REPLOTreplot v. To plot again.
REPLOT v. to plot again.
SPLURTsplurt v. (Informal, transitive) To spit out violently, as with disgust or surprise.
splurt v. (Informal, transitive, intransitive) To squirt out in a messy stream.
SPLURT v. to gush forth in a stream or jet.
TRIPLEtriple adj. Made up of three related elements, often matching.
triple adj. Of three times the quantity.
triple adj. Designed for three users.
TRIPLYtriply adv. (Usually of relative importance) At three times the severity or degree.
TRIPLY v. (Scots) in Scots law, to reply to a duply.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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