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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing L, M, N and V

GAVELMANgavelman n. (Law, historical) A tenant liable to tribute.
GAVELMAN n. a tenant holding land in gavelkind.
GAVELMENgavelmen n. Plural of gavelman.
GAVELMAN n. a tenant holding land in gavelkind.
LAVEMENTlavement n. A washing or bathing.
lavement n. A clyster.
LAVEMENT n. a washing or bathing; a clyster.
MAILVANSmailvans n. Plural of mailvan.
MAILVAN n. any vehicle which carries public mail.
MOVINGLYmovingly adv. In a moving manner.
MOVINGLY adv. so as to affect the emotions.
NAVALISMnavalism n. Naval militarism.
NAVALISM n. the cult of naval supremacy.
NOVELDOMnoveldom n. The sphere of novels.
NOVELDOM n. the world of fiction.
NOVELISMnovelism n. (Uncountable, literature) The dominance of the novel as a literary form.
novelism n. (Obsolete) innovation.
NOVELISM n. innovation.
VELAMINAvelamina n. Plural of velamen.
VELAMEN n. (Latin) a thin membranous covering or partition, also VELUM.
VINCULUMvinculum n. A bond or link signifying union.
vinculum n. (Arithmetic, obsolete) Any symbol used to group some of the terms in an expression, indicating that…
vinculum n. (Arithmetic) A horizontal line over the top of some of the terms in an expression, indicating that that…
VOLUMINGvoluming v. Present participle of volume.
VOLUME v. to send or give out in large quantities.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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