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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing L, P, U and X

AMPLEXUSamplexus n. A form of pseudocopulation, found chiefly in amphibians and horseshoe crabs, in which a male grasps…
AMPLEXUS n. (Latin) the mating embrace of frogs.
DUPLEXEDduplexed v. Simple past tense and past participle of duplex.
DUPLEX v. to make duple.
DUPLEXERduplexer n. (Electronics) A device that enables communication in two directions over a single path.
DUPLEXER n. a system allowing use of the same aerial for transmission and response.
DUPLEXESduplexes n. Plural of duplex.
DUPLEX v. to make duple.
EXEMPLUMexemplum n. An example.
exemplum n. A story demonstrating a moral point; a parable.
EXEMPLUM n. (Latin) a short story or anecdote with a moral.
EXPULSEDexpulsed v. Simple past tense and past participle of expulse.
EXPULSE v. (obsolete) to expel.
EXPULSESexpulses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of expulse.
EXPULSE v. (obsolete) to expel.
FOURPLEXfourplex n. Quadplex.
FOURPLEX n. a building having four units, also QUADPLEX.
OCTUPLEXoctuplex adj. Having eight components.
OCTUPLEX adj. being eight times as great.
PLATEAUXplateaux n. Plural of plateau.
PLATEAU n. (French) a level stretch of elevated land.
PLEXURESplexures n. Plural of plexure.
PLEXURE n. an interweaving.
PLEXUSESplexuses n. Plural of plexus.
PLEXUS n. (Latin) an interlacing of parts.
PURLIEUXpurlieux n. Plural of purlieu.
PURLIEU n. (French) a neighbourhood; a suburb.
QUADPLEXquadplex n. (US) A building divided into four separate residences or commercial premises.
QUADPLEX n. a building having four units, also FOURPLEX.
SEXTUPLEsextuple n. A sixfold amount.
sextuple n. (Sports, soccer) A team that wins 6 titles in the same year or season.
sextuple adj. Having six parts.
SEXTUPLYsextuply adv. In a sextuple fashion.
SEXTUPLY v. in Scots law, to offer a rejoinder.
SUPLEXESsuplexes n. Plural of suplex.
SUPLEX n. a wrestling hold, grasping one's opponent around the waist from behind.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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