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There are 16 ten-letter words containing L, N, S, U and Z

AFFLUENZASaffluenzas n. (Rare) plural of affluenza.
AFFLUENZA n. a malaise said to affect affluent young people, characterised by guilt feelings.
ALUMINIZESaluminizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of aluminize.
ALUMINIZE v. to treat metal so as to form an aluminum coating on its surface, also ALUMINISE.
ANNUALIZESannualizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of annualize.
ANNUALIZE v. to convert to a yearly rate, also ANNUALISE.
GUANAZOLOSGUANAZOLO n. a synthetic substance resembling guanine, used in the treatment of cancer.
INFLUENZASinfluenzas n. Plural of influenza.
INFLUENZA n. a highly contagious viral infection.
KLUTZINESSklutziness n. The quality of being klutzy, or being a klutz.
KLUTZINESS n. being like a klutz, clumsiness.
LUTEINIZESluteinizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of luteinize.
LUTEINIZE v. to convert into lutein, also LUTEINISE.
MEZZALUNASmezzalunas n. Plural of mezzaluna.
MEZZALUNA n. a half-moon shaped kitchen chopper.
NEBULIZERSnebulizers n. Plural of nebulizer.
NEBULIZER n. a spraying apparatus, an atomiser, also NEBULISER.
PUZZOLANASpuzzolanas n. Plural of puzzolana.
PUZZOLANA n. (Italian) volcanic ashes from Pozzuoli, in Italy, used in the manufacture of a kind of mortar which hardens under water, also POZZOLAN, POZZOLANA, POZZUOLANA.
SENSUALIZEsensualize v. (Transitive) To make sensual; to subject to the love of sensual pleasure; to debase by carnal gratifications.
SENSUALIZE v. to make sensual, also SENSUALISE.
SPULZIEINGspulzieing v. Present participle of spulzie.
SPULZIE v. (Scots) to plunder, also SPUILZIE, SPULYE, SPULYIE.
UNREALIZESunrealizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unrealize.
UNREALIZE v. to divest of reality, also UNREALISE.
UNSEIZABLEunseizable adj. That cannot be seized or grasped.
UNSEIZABLE adj. not able to be seized.
UNSIZEABLEunsizeable adj. Alternative spelling of unsizable.
UNSIZEABLE adj. (obsolete) extraordinarily big, also UNSIZABLE.
VULCANIZESvulcanizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vulcanize.
VULCANIZE v. to change the properties of, as caoutchouc, or India rubber, by the process of vulcanization, also VULCANISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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