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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing 3L, M and T

ELEMENTALLYelementally adv. In an elemental manner.
elementally adv. Literally (Can we add an example for this sense?).
ELEMENTAL adv. of or concerned with the elements.
FULFILLMENTfulfillment n. Alternative form of fulfilment.
FULFILLMENT n. completion, also FULFILMENT.
ILLIMITABLEillimitable adj. Impervious to limitation, without limit.
ILLIMITABLE adj. limitless, infinite.
ILLIMITABLYillimitably adv. In an illimitable manner.
ILLIMITABLE adv. limitless, infinite.
LAMELLATELYlamellately adv. In a lamellate fashion.
LAMELLATE adv. composed of, or furnished with, thin plates or scales, also LAMELLATED.
LAMELLATIONlamellation n. A lamellate layer or segment.
LAMELLATION n. the state of being lamellate.
LAMELLOSITYLAMELLOSITY n. the state of being lamellose.
LIMITLESSLYlimitlessly adv. In a limitless way.
LIMITLESS adv. without limit.
MELLIFLUENTmellifluent adj. Mellifluous.
MELLIFLUENT adj. sweet-sounding; flowing with honey, also MELLIFLUOUS.
METALLOIDALmetalloidal adj. Metalloid.
METALLOIDAL adj. intermediate in its properties between a typical metal and a typical nonmetal.
MILLILITERSmilliliters n. Plural of milliliter.
MILLILITER n. a thousandth of a litre, also MILLILITRE.
MILLILITRESmillilitres n. Plural of millilitre.
MILLILITRE n. a thousandth part of a litre, also MILLILITER.
MULTICELLEDmulticelled adj. (Of an organism) Having many cells; multicellular.
MULTICELLED adj. having many cells.
MULTIHULLEDmultihulled adj. (Nautical) Having more than one hull.
MULTILEVELSmultilevels n. Multiple levels.
MULTILINEALmultilineal adj. Having many lines.
MULTILINEAL adj. having many lines, also MULTILINEAR.
MULTISKILLSmultiskills n. Multiple skills.
MULTISKILL v. to train (employees) in several skills.
UMBELLATELYumbellately adv. In an umbellate manner.
UMBELLATE adv. having umbels, also UMBELLATED.
UMBELLULATEumbellulate adj. Having umbellules.
UMBELLULATE adj. shaped like an umbellule, a partial umbel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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