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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing L, M, 2N and S

CLANSMANclansman n. A male member of a clan.
Clansman n. (US) Alternative spelling of Klansman (KKK).
CLANSMAN n. a member of a clan.
CLANSMENclansmen n. Plural of clansman.
Clansmen n. Plural of Clansman.
CLANSMAN n. a member of a clan.
LAMININSlaminins n. Plural of laminin.
LAMININ n. a glycoprotein.
LANDSMANlandsman n. A person who does not go to sea, who lacks the skills of a sailor or who is uncomfortable on ships or boats.
landsman n. (Oil and gas industry) A person who negotiates leases, contracts and other business deals between producers…
landsman n. A fellow Jew who comes from the same district or town, especially in Eastern Europe.
LANDSMENlandsmen n. (Irregular) plural of landsman.
LANDSMAN n. (Yiddish) a fellow Jew from the same town in Eastern Europe.
LINESMANlinesman n. (Soccer) An assistant referee.
linesman n. (Tennis, dated) A male line judge.
linesman n. (Ice hockey) An official whose primary task is to watch the blue line and determine when there has been an offside.
LINESMENlinesmen n. Plural of linesman.
LINESMAN n. an official who helps the referee or umpire in various sports, esp. by indicating when the ball has gone out of play.
LINKSMANlinksman n. A male golfer.
LINKSMAN n. a golfer.
LINKSMENlinksmen n. Plural of linksman.
LINKSMAN n. a golfer.
MELANINSmelanins n. Plural of melanin.
MELANIN n. any of various dark brown or black pigments present in the hair, skin, eyes, etc.
NOMINALSnominals n. Plural of nominal.
NOMINAL n. a noun or phrase etc. standing as a noun.
UNSOLEMNunsolemn adj. Not solemn.
UNSOLEMN adj. not solemn.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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