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There are 17 words containing L, Q, 2S, U and Y

SQUASHILYsquashily adv. In a squashy way.
SQUASHY adv. yielding, soft and moist, also SQUISHY.
SQUAMOSELYsquamosely adv. In a squamose manner.
SQUAMOSE adv. covered with scales, also SQUAMOUS, SQUAMATE.
SQUAMOUSLYsquamously adv. In a squamous way.
SQUAMOUS adv. covered with scales, also SQUAMOSE, SQUAMATE.
SQUARISHLYsquarishly adv. In a squarish way.
SQUARISH adv. somewhat square.
SQUEAMISHLYsqueamishly adv. In a squeamish manner.
SQUEAMISH adv. feeling nauseous, sick.
OBSEQUIOUSLYobsequiously adv. In an obsequious manner.
OBSEQUIOUS adv. servilely ingratiating; fawning.
QUASICRYSTALquasicrystal n. (Physics, chemistry) any solid with conventional crystalline properties but exhibiting a point group…
quasi-crystal n. Alternative form of quasicrystal.
QUASICRYSTAL n. a body of solid material that resembles a crystal in being composed of repeating structural units but that incorporates two or more unit cells into a quasiperiodic structure.
QUENCHLESSLYquenchlessly adv. In a quenchless manner.
QUENCHLESS adv. incapable of being quenched.
SEQUACIOUSLYsequaciously adv. By a logically developed argument.
sequaciously adv. With blind acceptance.
SEQUACIOUS adv. intellectually servile, unthinkingly following others.
STATUESQUELYstatuesquely adv. In a statuesque way.
STATUESQUE adv. tall and well-proportioned in figure.
SUBSEQUENTLYsubsequently adv. Following, afterwards in either time or place.
subsequently adv. Accordingly, therefore (implying a logical connection or deduction), consequently.
SUBSEQUENT adv. happening after.
QUASICRYSTALSquasicrystals n. Plural of quasicrystal.
quasi-crystals n. Plural of quasi-crystal.
QUASICRYSTAL n. a body of solid material that resembles a crystal in being composed of repeating structural units but that incorporates two or more unit cells into a quasiperiodic structure.
QUESTIONLESSLYquestionlessly adv. In a questionless manner; assuredly.
QUESTIONLESS adv. unquestioning; beyond question or doubt.
SESQUIPEDALITYsesquipedality n. An instance or condition of being sesquipedalian.
SESQUIPEDALITY n. the practice of using long words.
QUADRISYLLABICSQUADRISYLLABIC n. a word or poetic meter with four syllables.
QUADRISYLLABLESquadrisyllables n. Plural of quadrisyllable.
QUADRISYLLABLE n. a tetrasyllable.
SCULPTURESQUELYsculpturesquely adv. In a sculpturesque manner.
SCULPTURESQUE adv. done in the manner of or resembling sculpture.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 161 words
  • Scrabble in French: 72 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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