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There are 16 six-letter words containing M, Q and U

MANQUEmanque adj. (Postpositive) unable to fully realise one’s ambitions; would-be.
manqué adj. (Postpositive) Unfulfilled due to the vagary of circumstance, some inherent flaw or a constitutional lack.
MANQUE n. (French) the section on a roulette table which includes the numbers 1 to 18 or a bet placed in this area.
MAQUISmaquis n. (Botany) Dense Mediterranean coastal scrub.
maquis n. (Historical) The French resistance movement during World War II, or other similar movements elsewhere.
MAQUIS n. (French) a thick underbrush, also MAQUI.
MARQUEmarque n. A license to pass the limits of a jurisdiction, or boundary of a country, for the purpose of making…
marque n. A brand or make of a manufactured product, especially of a motor car (in contradistinction to a model).
marque n. A ship commissioned for making captures.
MASQUEmasque n. (Historical, in 16th- and 17th-century England and Europe) A dramatic performance, often performed at…
masque n. Words and music written for a masque.
masque n. A masquerade.
MOSQUEmosque n. (Islam) A place of worship for Muslims, often having at least one minaret; a masjid.
MOSQUE n. (Arabic) a Muslim place of worship, also MOSK.
QUALMSqualms n. Plural of qualm.
QUALM n. a feeling of doubt.
QUALMYqualmy adj. Queasy; nauseous.
QUALMY adj. having misgivings.
QUEMEDquemed v. Simple past tense and past participle of queme.
QUEME v. (Spenser) to please, suit, fit.
QUEMESquemes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of queme.
QUEME v. (Spenser) to please, suit, fit.
QUIDAMquidam n. A nobody; a person of no importance.
QUIDAM n. (Latin) a certain person; somebody.
QUORUMquorum n. The minimum number of members required for a group to officially conduct business and to cast votes…
quorum n. A selected body of persons.
QUORUM n. (Latin) a minimum number of persons necessary for some business.
QUOTUMquotum n. A part or proportion; a fraction; quota.
QUOTUM n. (Latin) a share, also QUOTA.
SQUAMAsquama n. (Medicine) A scale cast off from the skin; a thin dry shred of epithelium.
squama n. (Botany) The bract of a deciduous spike.
squama n. (Botany) Any scaly bracted leaf.
SQUAMEsquame n. (Zoology) The scale, or exopodite, of an antenna of a crustacean.
squame n. (Medicine) A flake of dead skin tissue.
squame n. (Medicine) A squamous (scale-like) cell.
SQUIRMsquirm v. To twist one’s body with snakelike motions.
squirm v. To twist in discomfort, especially from shame or embarrassment.
squirm v. To evade a question, an interviewer etc. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
UMIAQSumiaqs n. Plural of umiaq.
UMIAQ n. (Inuit) an Eskimo canoe, also OOMIAC, OOMIACK, OOMIAK, UMIAC, UMIACK, UMIAK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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