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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing M, P and 2T

ATTEMPTattempt v. To try.
attempt v. (Obsolete) To try to move, by entreaty, by afflictions, or by temptations; to tempt.
attempt v. (Archaic) To try to win, subdue, or overcome.
TAPETUMtapetum n. (Anatomy) A membranous layer of tissue.
tapetum n. (Anatomy) The pigmentary layer of the retina.
tapetum n. (Botany) The cells on the outside of an archesporium.
TEMPESTtempest n. A storm, especially one with severe winds.
tempest n. Any violent tumult or commotion.
tempest n. (Obsolete) A fashionable social gathering; a drum.
TEMPLETtemplet n. Archaic form of template.
Templet prop.n. A surname.
TEMPLET n. a thin plate used as a pattern in cutting, also TEMPLATE.
TEMPTEDtempted v. Simple past tense and past participle of tempt.
TEMPT v. to entice to commit an unwise or immoral act.
TEMPTERtempter n. Someone or something that tempts.
tempter n. A seducer, especially a man who seduces.
TEMPTER n. one that tempts.
TOPMASTtopmast n. The highest mast in a fore-and-aft-rigged ship.
topmast n. The mast below the topgallant mast in a square-rigged ship.
TOPMAST n. a mast of a ship.
TOPMOSTtopmost adj. At or nearest to the top; uppermost; being the very highest.
top-most adj. Alternative form of topmost.
TOPMOST adj. highest.
TRAMPETtrampet n. Alternative form of trampette.
TRAMPET n. a small trampoline, also TRAMPETTE.
TRIMPOTTRIMPOT n. a small instrument for adjusting resistance or voltage.
TRUMPETtrumpet n. A musical instrument of the brass family, generally tuned to the key of B-flat; by extension, any type…
trumpet n. Someone who plays the trumpet; a trumpeter.
trumpet n. The cry of an elephant, or any similar loud cry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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