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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing M, S, 2T and U

MATATUSmatatus n. Plural of matatu.
MATATU n. a type of taxi used in Kenya.
MUSETTEmusette n. (Music).
musette n. (Chiefly US, originally military) In full musette bag: a small bag or knapsack with a shoulder strap…
MUSETTE n. (French) a small bagpipe formerly in use, having a soft and sweet tone.
MUTANTSmutants n. Plural of mutant.
MUTANT n. something that undergoes mutation.
MUTATESmutates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mutate.
MUTATE v. to undergo mutation.
MUTTERSmutters n. Plural of mutter.
mutters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mutter.
MUTTER v. to speak unclearly.
MUTTONSmuttons n. Plural of mutton.
MUTTON n. the flesh of sheep used as food.
OUTMOSToutmost adj. Superlative form of out: most out.
outmost adj. Farthest outside; as far from the center or inside as possible.
outmost n. That which is outmost; the surface; the outside.
SMUTTEDsmutted v. Simple past tense and past participle of smut.
SMUT v. to soil, make smutty, also SMUTCH.
STRATUMstratum n. One of several parallel horizontal layers of material arranged one on top of another.
stratum n. (Geology) A layer of sedimentary rock having approximately the same composition throughout.
stratum n. Any of the regions of the atmosphere, such as the stratosphere, that occur as layers.
TECTUMSTECTUM n. (Latin) a rooflike body structure, esp. the dorsal part of the midbrain.
TUMULTStumults n. Plural of tumult.
TUMULT v. to make a great din and commotion.
UTMOSTSutmosts n. Plural of utmost.
UTMOST n. the greatest degree or amount, also UTTERMOST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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