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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 7 eight-letter words containing 2M, N, R and U

COMMUNERcommuner n. One who communes with someone or something.
communer n. (Christianity) One who receives communion.
COMMUNER n. one who communes.
DRUMMINGdrumming n. The act of beating a drum.
drumming n. A noise resembling that of a drum being beaten.
drumming n. In many species of catfish, the sound produced by contraction of specialized sonic muscles with subsequent…
IMMURINGimmuring v. Present participle of immure.
immuring n. The act of walling up.
IMMURE v. to enclose behind walls, also EMURE.
NUMMULARnummular adj. (Obsolete, rare) Of or relating to coins or money.
nummular adj. (By extension) Flattened with a rounded form, as a disc; coin-shaped.
NUMMULAR adj. shaped like a coin.
RAMENTUMramentum n. (Botany) One of the thin brownish chaffy scales upon the leaves or young shoots of some plants, especially…
RAMENTUM n. (Latin) a scale formed on the surface of fern leaves.
RESUMMONresummon v. To summon again.
RESUMMON v. to summon again.
SUMMONERsummoner n. One who summons or evokes, particularly in legal contexts.
summoner n. (Historical) An apparitor; An officer of an ecclesiastical court whose job it was to deliver a summons…
summoner n. A small bell for summoning an employee to provide service.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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