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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing M, 3O and W

BOOKWORMbookworm n. Any of various insects that infest books.
bookworm n. (Figurative) An avid book reader.
book-worm n. Alternative form of bookworm.
BOOMTOWNboomtown n. Alternative form of boom town.
boom␣town n. A town that experienced (or is experiencing) a period of rapid growth due to some temporary activity.
BOOMTOWN n. a town which has expanded rapidly and prospered.
HOOKWORMhookworm n. Any of various parasitic bloodsucking roundworms which cause disease, especially the species Ancylostoma…
HOOKWORM n. a parasitic worm.
MONOBROWmonobrow n. A unibrow.
MONOBROW n. a derogatory word for eyebrows that meet, also UNIBROW.
MOONBOWSmoonbows n. Plural of moonbow.
MOONBOW n. a rainbow formed by light from the moon.
MOONWORTmoonwort n. A small fern, Botrychium lunaria (lesser moonwort); later, any member of the genus.
moonwort n. (Now US, UK regional) Lunaria annua (greater moonwort); also known as Honesty and Actual Honesty.
MOONWORT n. the plant honesty (from its silvery septum).
MOORFOWLmoorfowl n. The red grouse.
MOORFOWL n. a red, or black, grouse.
MOORWORTmoorwort n. A plant, the staggerbush.
MOORWORT n. a marsh flower, aka bog rosemary, bog asphodel.
ROOTWORMrootworm n. A worm that tunnels through the roots of young plants.
ROOTWORM n. a beetle whose larvae feed on the roots of crop plants.
SHOWROOMshowroom n. A room in a business set aside for the display of the company’s products.
showroom n. (Dated) A room or apartment where a show is exhibited.
showroom v. To inspect merchandise in a physical store, then purchase the identical product from an online merchant;…
TOMORROWtomorrow adv. On the day after the present day.
tomorrow adv. At some point in the future; later on.
tomorrow adv. (Possibly obsolete) On next (period of time other than a day, such as a week or a month), following…
WOODWORMwoodworm n. Any of many beetle larvae that bore into wood.
woodworm n. A shipworm, a worm-like mollusk in the family Teredinidae that feeds on wood underwater in saltwater.
WOODWORM n. any of various insect larvae that bore into wooden furniture, beams, etc., esp. the larvae of the furniture beetle and the deathwatch beetle.
WORKROOMworkroom n. A room, such as a workshop or studio, where work is done.
WORKROOM n. a room in which work is done, also WORKSHOP.
WORMROOTwormroot n. Synonym of wormgrass.
WORMROOT n. a medicinal plant root, also PINKROOT.
WORMWOODwormwood n. An intensely bitter herb (Artemisia absinthium and similar plants in genus Artemisia) used in medicine…
wormwood n. (Figurative) Something that causes bitterness or affliction; a cause of mortification or vexation.
Wormwood prop.n. (Christianity) A star or angel that appears in the Book of Revelation, turning waters bitter and poisonous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 37 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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