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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing M, O and 3R

ARMOURERSarmourers n. Plural of armourer.
ARMOURER n. one who makes or repairs armour, also ARMORER.
ARROWWORMarrowworm n. (Zoology) A transparent predatory marine worm of the phylum Chaetognatha, found in plankton.
arrow␣worm n. A predatory marine worm of the phylum Chaetognatha.
ARROWWORM n. a peculiar transparent worm of the genus Sagitta, living at the surface of the sea.
CIRRIFORMcirriform adj. (Biology, zoology) Formed like a cirrus or tendril.
CIRRIFORM adj. formed like a cirrus or tendril.
FERROGRAMferrogram n. A diagnostic image produced by ferrography.
FERROGRAM n. a slide prepared to illustrate the suspended iron particles in the lubricant of a machine.
MARROWIERMARROWY adj. full of marrow; pithy.
MIRRORINGmirroring v. Present participle of mirror.
mirroring n. A reflection or inversion.
MIRRORING n. the act of reflecting with a mirror.
MORTARIERMORTARY adj. containing or resembling mortar.
OVERMERRYovermerry adj. Excessively merry.
OVERMERRY adj. excessively merry.
PERFORMERperformer n. One who performs for, or entertains, an audience.
performer n. One who performs or does anything.
PERFORMER n. one who performs.
PREREFORMPREREFORM adj. before reform.
PROGRAMERprogramer n. (US) Alternative form of programmer.
PROGRAMER n. (US) one who writes programs, also PROGRAMMER.
PROREFORMproreform adj. In favour of reform.
PROREFORM adj. in favour of reform.
REFORMERSreformers n. Plural of reformer.
Reformers n. Plural of Reformer.
REFORMER n. one that reforms.
REPROGRAMreprogram v. (Transitive, computing) To program anew or differently.
reprogram v. (Transitive, by extension) To make a fundamental change to the behaviour or habits of.
reprogram v. (Government) To shift funds appropriated for one government program to a different government program.
RUMOURERSrumourers n. Plural of rumourer.
RUMOURER n. one who spreads rumours, also RUMORER.
SERRIFORMserriform adj. (Biology) notched, as the blade of a saw.
SERRIFORM adj. resembling a notched or sawlike edge.
TERRAFORMterraform v. (Science fiction) To transform the atmosphere (or biosphere) of another planet into one having the characteristics…
TERRAFORM v. to make (another planet) earthlike.
TERRORISMterrorism n. (Historical) The system of fear and intimidation put into place during the Reign of Terror in Revolutionary…
terrorism n. The use of unlawful violence against people or property to achieve political objectives.
TERRORISM n. an organized system of violence and intimidation, esp. for political ends.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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