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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing M, N, O, 2S and U

CONSUMESconsumes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of consume.
CONSUME v. to use up.
MISSOUNDmissound v. To sound or pronounce wrongly.
MISSOUND v. to sound wrongly.
MOUSINGSmousings n. Plural of mousing.
MOUSING n. a wrapping around the shank end of a hook.
MOUSSINGmoussing v. Present participle of mousse.
MOUSSE v. (French) to apply a kind of hairstyling lotion.
MUSCONESmuscones n. Plural of muscone.
MUSCONE n. a macrocyclic ketone that gives musk its distinctive smell and is used in perfumes, also MUSKONE.
MUSIMONSmusimons n. Plural of musimon.
MUSIMON n. a Corsican wild sheep, also MOUFFLON, MOUFLON, MUFLON, MUSMON.
MUSKONESMUSKONE n. a macrocyclic ketone, also MUSCONE.
NOSTRUMSnostrums n. Plural of nostrum.
NOSTRUM n. (Latin) any secret, quack or patent medicine; any favourite remedy or scheme.
OSMUNDASosmundas n. Plural of osmunda.
OSMUNDA n. any fern of the genus Osmunda, that includes royal fern, also OSMUND.
SMOUSINGsmousing v. Present participle of smous.
smousing v. Present participle of smouse.
SMOUSE v. (Yiddish) to trade as a pedlar.
SOLANUMSsolanums n. Plural of solanum.
SOLANUM n. (Latin) any herbaceous plant of the genus Solanum, including the potato, bittersweet and certain nightshades.
SOUMINGSsoumings n. Plural of souming.
SOUMING n. the act of souming.
SPUMONESSPUMONE n. (Italian) a rich Italian dessert consisting of layered ice-cream with candied fruits, nuts, and sometimes brandy, also SPUMONI.
SPUMONISspumonis n. Plural of spumoni.
SPUMONI n. (Italian) a rich Italian dessert consisting of layered ice-cream with candied fruits, nuts, and sometimes brandy, also SPUMONE.
SUNROOMSsunrooms n. Plural of sunroom.
sun␣rooms n. Plural of sun room.
SUNROOM n. a room built to admit much sunlight.
UNBOSOMSunbosoms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unbosom.
UNBOSOM v. to pour out; to tell freely.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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