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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing M, 2O, P, R and S

COMPORTScomports v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of comport.
COMPORT v. to conduct oneself in a certain way.
COMPOSERcomposer n. One who composes; an author.
composer n. One who, or that which, quiets or calms.
COMPOSER n. one who writes music.
COPROSMAcoprosma n. (Botany) Any of the plants in the genus Coprosma.
COPROSMA n. an Australian evergreen shrub or small tree with glossy, leathery leaves and egg-shaped white or orange berries.
IMPOROUSimporous adj. Destitute of pores; very close or compact in texture; solid.
IMPOROUS adj. extremely dense.
IMPOSTORimpostor n. Someone who attempts to deceive by using an assumed name or identity.
impostor n. (Computer graphics) A sprite or animation integrated into a three-dimensional scene, but not based on…
impostor n. (Linguistics) A term referenced in an unusual grammatical person.
ISOMORPHisomorph n. Anything that exhibits isomorphism.
ISOMORPH n. something similar to something else in form.
OOSPERMSoosperms n. Plural of oosperm.
OOSPERM n. a fertilized egg.
POMEROYSPomeroys prop.n. Plural of Pomeroy.
POMEROY n. an old variety of apple, also POMROY.
POSTFORMpostform v. To shape or mold as a final stage of construction.
postform adj. Pertaining to the process of postforming.
postform n. An item in its final version after a manufacturing or engineering process.
PREDOOMSpredooms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of predoom.
PREDOOM v. to sentence in advance.
PROMISORpromisor n. (Law, finance) One who engages or undertakes; a promiser.
PROMISOR n. one who promises, also PROMISER, PROMISSOR.
PROMOTESpromotes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of promote.
PROMOTE v. to help forward.
PROSOMALprosomal adj. Relating to a prosome.
PROSOMAL adj. relating to a prosoma.
PROSOMASprosomas n. Plural of prosoma.
PROSOMA n. the front region of the body of an invertebrate.
PYROSOMEpyrosome n. Any of several pelagic colonial tunicates, of the genus Pyrosoma, found in tropical waters.
PYROSOME n. a type of thermostat.
ROLLMOPSrollmops n. Plural of rollmop.
ROLLMOP n. a fillet of herring rolled up in onion.
TAPROOMStaprooms n. Plural of taproom.
TAPROOM n. a room where liquors are kept on tap; a barroom.
ZOOSPERMzoosperm n. (Biology) One of the spermatic particles; spermatozoid, spermatozoon.
zoösperm n. Alternative spelling of zoosperm.
ZOOSPERM n. one of the spermatic particles; a spermatozoid, also ZOOSPERMIUM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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