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There are 17 nine-letter words containing M, N, 2O, T and U

AUTOMATONautomaton n. A machine or robot designed to follow a precise sequence of instructions.
automaton n. A person who acts like a machine or robot, often defined as having a monotonous lifestyle and lacking in emotion.
automaton n. A formal system, such as a finite-state machine or cellular automaton.
AUTONOMICautonomic adj. (Neurology) Acting or occurring involuntarily, without conscious control.
autonomic adj. (Neuroanatomy, neurology) Pertaining to the autonomic nervous system.
AUTONOMIC adj. self-governing, also AUTONOMICAL.
COSMONAUTcosmonaut n. An astronaut, especially a Russian or Soviet one.
COSMONAUT n. a Russian astronaut.
MOMENTOUSmomentous adj. Outstanding in importance, of great consequence.
MOMENTOUS adj. of great consequence.
MONSTROUSmonstrous adj. Hideous or frightful.
monstrous adj. Enormously large.
monstrous adj. Freakish or grotesque.
MOONDUSTSMOONDUST n. dust on the moon.
MOUTONNEEMOUTONNEE adj. (French) of a rock, rounded by the action of a glacier.
MUSKETOONmusketoon n. (Now historical) A firearm, similar to a musket but with a shorter barrel and a large bore.
musketoon n. (Obsolete) One who is armed with such a musket.
Musketoon n. Alternative form of Mascouten.
NEUROTOMYneurotomy n. (Neuroscience) The dissection, or anatomy, of the nervous system.
neurotomy n. (Neurology) The division of a nerve, for the relief of neuralgia, or for other purposes.
NEUROTOMY n. the dissection, or anatomy, of the nervous system.
OUTMODINGoutmoding v. Present participle of outmode.
outmoding n. The act or process of something becoming outmoded.
OUTMODE v. to put out of fashion.
OUTMOVINGoutmoving v. Present participle of outmove.
OUTMOVE v. to move faster than.
OUTVENOMSoutvenoms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outvenom.
OUTVENOM v. (Shakespeare) to exceed in venom.
OVERMOUNTovermount v. (Transitive) To mount over; to go higher than; to rise above.
overmount n. A piece of shaped cardboard used to prevent the glass of the frame from lying too closely upon an engraving…
OVERMOUNT v. to rise above.
PLUTONOMYplutonomy n. (Sometimes derogatory) The study of the production and distribution of wealth, or a society seen as…
PLUTONOMY n. economics.
TOMENTOUStomentous adj. Alternative form of tomentose.
TOMENTOUS adj. bearing thickly matted hair or fur, also TOMENTOSE.
TORMINOUStorminous adj. (Medicine) Affected with tormina.
TORMINOUS adj. affected with tormina; griping.
UNSMOOTHSunsmooths v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unsmooth.
UNSMOOTH v. to make not smooth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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