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There are 13 seven-letter words containing 2N, R and V

ENRIVENenriven adj. (Obsolete) riven; cleaved.
ENRIVEN adj. (Spenser) torn.
ENVIRONenviron adv. In the neighbourhood; around.
environ adv. Almost, nearly.
environ v. To encircle or surround (someone or something).
INNERVEinnerve v. (Transitive) To imbue with nervous energy; to give increased force or courage to.
INNERVE v. to supply with nerves or a nervous stimulus, also INNERVATE.
NAVARINnavarin n. A stew of mutton and vegetables.
NAVARIN n. (French) a stew containing mutton and turnips.
NERVINEnervine adj. (Medicine) Having the quality of acting upon or affecting the nerves; quieting nervous excitement.
nervine n. A drug or substance that acts upon the nerves.
NERVINE n. a soothing medicine.
NERVINGnerving v. Present participle of nerve.
nerving n. (Botany) An arrangement of nerves or veins in a plant.
NERVING n. a type of veterinary operation.
NIRVANAnirvana n. (Buddhism) Complete cessation of suffering; a blissful state attained through realization of sunyata;…
nirvana n. (Non-Buddhist, colloquial) State of paradise; heightened or great pleasure.
NIRVANA n. (Sanskrit) freedom from the endless cycle of birth and death and related suffering, in Hindu and Buddhist religions.
UNNERVEunnerve v. To deprive of nerve, force, or strength; to weaken; to enfeeble.
unnerve v. To make somebody nervous, upset, alarm, shake the resolve of.
UNNERVE v. to deprive of courage.
UNRIVENunriven adj. Not riven.
UNRIVEN adj. not riven.
UNROVENunroven adj. Not roved.
UNREEVE v. to withdraw a rope from an opening.
VANNERSvanners n. Plural of vanner.
VANNER n. a person who owns a van.
VERNANTvernant adj. (Obsolete) Flourishing, as in spring; vernal.
VERNANT adj. sprouting in spring.
VINTNERvintner n. A seller of wine.
vintner n. A manufacturer of wine.
VINTNER n. a wine merchant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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