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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing 3N and 2R

FRONTRUNNERSfrontrunners n. Plural of frontrunner.
front-runners n. Plural of front-runner.
front␣runners n. Plural of front runner.
FRONTRUNNINGfrontrunning n. Alternative form of front running.
front-running n. Alternative spelling of front running.
front␣running n. (Finance) The illegal practice of a stockbroker who, on receiving a large client order, places an order…
INNERSPRINGSSorry, definition not available.
INTERNEURONSinterneurons n. Plural of interneuron.
INTERNEURON n. an internuncial neuron.
NANNYBERRIESnannyberries n. Plural of nannyberry.
NONCONCURREDnonconcurred v. Simple past tense and past participle of nonconcur.
NONCONCUR v. to dissent or refuse to concur.
NONCONFORMERnonconformer n. One who does not conform to expected norms and standards; a nonconformist.
NONCONFORMER n. one who does not conform.
NONCORRODINGnoncorroding adj. That cannot be corroded.
NONCORRODING adj. not corroding.
NONIRRITANTSnonirritants n. Plural of nonirritant.
NONIRRITANT n. something that is not an irritant.
NONLIBRARIANnonlibrarian n. One who is not a librarian.
NONLIBRARIAN n. one who is not a librarian.
NONNARRATIVEnonnarrative adj. Not narrative in character or style.
nonnarrative n. That which is not a narrative.
NONNARRATIVE adj. not narrative.
NONRECURRENTnonrecurrent adj. Not recurrent.
NONRECURRENT adj. not recurring.
NONRECURRINGnonrecurring adj. Not recurring; occurring only once.
non-recurring adj. Alternative spelling of nonrecurring.
NONRECURRING adj. not recurring.
NONRESPONDERnonresponder n. A person who does not respond.
nonresponder n. (Medicine) A person who does not show an immune response to a virus after being vaccinated against it.
non-responder n. Someone who does not respond.
NORADRENALINnoradrenalin n. Alternative form of noradrenaline.
NORADRENALIN n. a neurotransmitter hormone related to adrenalin, produced by the adrenal glands, also NORADRENALINE.
REENTHRONINGreenthroning v. Present participle of reenthrone.
REENTHRONE v. to enthrone again.
TRANSURANIANTRANSURANIAN adj. of an element, having an atomic number greater than that of uranium, also TRANSURANIUM.
UNDERRUNNINGunderrunning v. Present participle of underrun.
underrunning n. A method of trawling in which the hooks are cleared and again baited in the same operation.
UNDERRUNNING n. the act of underrunning.
UNERRINGNESSunerringness n. The state or condition of being unerring.
UNERRINGNESS n. the state of being unerring.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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