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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing N, O, 2S and Z

COZINESScoziness n. (Chiefly North America) The state or quality of being cozy.
COZINESS n. the state or quality of being cozy.
DOZINESSdoziness n. The state of being dozy.
DOZINESS n. the state of being dozy.
FOZINESSfoziness n. (Scotland) The state of being fozy; lack of spirit; dullness.
FOZINESS n. (Scots) lack of spirit.
OOZINESSooziness n. The state or condition of being oozy.
OOZINESS n. the state of being oozy.
OZONISESozonises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ozonise.
OZONISE v. to convert into ozone, also OZONIZE.
SCHNOZESSCHNOZ n. (Yiddish) the nose, also SCHNOZZ, SCHNOZZLE.
SNOOZERSsnoozers n. Plural of snoozer.
SNOOZER n. one who snoozes.
SNOOZLESsnoozles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of snoozle.
SNOOZLE v. (colloquial) to nuzzle and then sleep.
STANZOESstanzoes n. Plural of stanzo.
STANZO n. (Shakespeare) a stanza, also STANZE.
SUBZONESsubzones n. Plural of subzone.
SUBZONE n. a subdivision of a zone.
ZONELESSzoneless adj. Without zones; unzoned.
zoneless adj. (Literary, archaic) Without a belt or girdle.
zoneless adj. (Biology) Lacking bands or rings (particularly with reference to fungi).
ZOONOSESzoonoses n. Plural of zoonosis.
zoonoses n. Plural of zoonose.
zoönoses n. Plural of zoönosis.
ZOONOSISzoonosis n. (Biology, microbiology) An animal disease, such as rabies or anthrax, that can be transmitted to humans.
zoönosis n. Alternative form of zoonosis.
ZOONOSIS n. an animal disease which is infectious to humans.
ZYMOSANSzymosans n. Plural of zymosan.
ZYMOSAN n. an insoluble carbohydrate in yeast cell walls.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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