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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing N, O, R, 2T and Z

AMORTIZATIONamortization n. The reduction of loan principal over a series of payments.
amortization n. The distribution of the cost of an intangible asset, such as an intellectual property right, over the…
AMORTIZATION n. the act of amortising, also AMORTISATION.
AMORTIZEMENTamortizement n. The act or process of amortizing.
AMORTIZEMENT n. the act of amortizing, also AMORTISEMENT.
CHORIZONTISTCHORIZONTIST n. a person who disputes identity of authorship, esp. one who ascribes the Iliad and Odyssey to different authors, also CHORIZONT.
EROTIZATIONSerotizations n. Plural of erotization.
EROTIZATION n. the act of erotizing, also EROTISATION.
ESTERIZATIONesterization n. The process of esterizing.
ESTERIZATION n. the process of making into an ester, also ESTERISATION.
ETERNIZATIONeternization n. The act of eternizing; the act of rendering immortal or famous.
ETERNIZATION n. the act of making eternal, also ETERNISATION.
ETHERIZATIONetherization n. (Surgery) anaesthetization using ether.
ETHERIZATION n. conversion into ether, also ETHERISATION.
LATERIZATIONlaterization n. The weathering process by which rock is changed to laterite.
LATERIZATION n. conversion into laterite, also LATERISATION.
MEZZOTINTERSmezzotinters n. Plural of mezzotinter.
MEZZOTINTER n. one who works in mezzotint.
MOTORIZATIONmotorization n. The act of motorizing something.
MOTORIZATION n. the act of motorizing, also MOTORISATION.
NOTARIZATIONnotarization n. The act or process of notarizing.
notarization n. Something notarized. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
NOTARIZATION n. the act of notarizing, also NOTARISATION.
PRIVATDOZENTprivatdozent n. In some European countries, an academic who holds all formal qualifications (doctorate and habilitation)…
PRIVATDOZENT n. (German) in German universities, a recognized teacher who is not a member of the salaried staff, also PRIVATDOCENT.
ROBOTIZATIONrobotization n. The automation of a system or process by use of robotic devices.
ROBOTIZATION n. the act of causing a job to be done by robots, also ROBOTISATION.
SATIRIZATIONsatirization n. The act or process of satirizing.
SATIRIZATION n. the process of satirizing, also SATIRISATION.
THEORIZATIONtheorization n. Alternative form of theorisation.
THEORIZATION n. the formation of theories, also THEORISATION.
ZWITTERIONICzwitterionic adj. Of or pertaining to a zwitterion.
ZWITTERIONIC adj. of or like a zwitterion, an ion carrying both a positive and negative charge.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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