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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 8 eight-letter words containing N, O, 2R, T and U

OVERTURNoverturn v. (Transitive or intransitive) To turn over, capsize or upset.
overturn v. (Transitive) To overthrow or destroy.
overturn v. (Law, transitive) To reverse (a decision); to overrule or rescind.
PROTURANproturan n. Any of many primitive insects, of the order Protura, that lack eyes and wings.
proturan adj. Of or pertaining to these insects.
PROTURAN n. any of an order of white wingless insects.
ROTUNDERrotunder adj. Comparative form of rotund: more rotund.
ROTUND adj. rounded, plump.
TOURNUREtournure n. Manner, bearing.
tournure n. Turn; contour; figure.
tournure n. Phrasing, turn of phrase.
TROUNCERtrouncer n. One who trounces.
TROUNCER n. one who trounces.
TRUEBORNtrueborn adj. Genuinely by birth; legitimate.
trueborn n. (Fantasy) A person of legitimate birth.
true-born adj. Alternative form of trueborn.
TURNOVERturnover n. The amount of money taken as sales transacted in a given period.
turnover n. The frequency with which stock is replaced after being used or sold, workers leave and are replaced…
turnover n. A semicircular pastry made by turning one half of a circular crust over the other, enclosing the filling…
URINATORurinator n. A person who urinates.
urinator n. (Obsolete) A diver, especially someone who searches for things underwater.
URINATOR n. one who dives under water in search of something, as for pearls.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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