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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 10 twelve-letter words containing N, O, 2P, R and 2T

CONTRAPPOSTOcontrapposto n. (Art) The position of a figure whose hips and legs are twisted away from the direction of the head and shoulders.
CONTRAPPOSTO n. a pose of the human body with hips, shoulders and head in different planes.
OPPORTUNISTSopportunists n. Plural of opportunist.
OPPORTUNIST n. one that is opportunistic or that practices opportunism.
OUTSTRIPPINGoutstripping v. Present participle of outstrip.
outstripping n. The act or process of something being outstripped.
OUTSTRIP v. to go faster or further than.
PERPETRATIONperpetration n. The act of perpetrating.
perpetration n. Something (such as a crime) that is perpetrated.
PERPETRATION n. the act of perpetrating.
PERPETUATIONperpetuation n. The act of prolonging existence, of keeping something alive or active.
PERPETUATION n. continuation or preservation for ever, or a long time.
PROPITIATINGpropitiating v. Present participle of propitiate.
PROPITIATE v. to render favourable, to appease.
PROPITIATIONpropitiation n. The act of propitiating; placation, atonement, similar to expiation but with the added concept of appeasement…
propitiation n. (Theology) The death of Christ as a basis for the forgiveness of sin.
PROPITIATION n. the act of propitiating.
PROTOPLANETSprotoplanets n. Plural of protoplanet.
PROTOPLANET n. a planet in its initial state of formation.
SUPPORTMENTSsupportments n. Plural of supportment.
SUPPORTMENT n. support.
TRYPTOPHANEStryptophanes n. Plural of tryptophane.
TRYPTOPHANE n. an essential amino acid, also TRYPTOPHAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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