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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing O, U and X

BIJOUXbijoux n. Plural of bijou.
BIJOU n. (French) a trinket, a jewel.
BOXFULboxful n. As much as a box will hold.
BOXFUL n. as much as a box can hold.
BOYAUXboyaux n. Plural of boyau.
BOYAU n. (French) a communication trench.
EXODUSexodus n. A sudden departure of a large number of people.
exodus v. To depart from a place in a large group.
Exodus prop.n. The departure of the Hebrew slaves from Egypt under the leadership of Moses.
LUMMOXlummox n. (Informal) A clumsy, stupid person; an awkward bungler.
LUMMOX n. a clumsy person.
MUSKOXmuskox n. Alternative spelling of musk ox.
musk␣ox n. An Arctic mammal, Ovibos moschatus of the Caprinae subfamily of the family Bovidae, having a thick coat…
MUSKOX n. a large bovid of arctic regions.
NOYAUXNOYAU n. (French) a liqueur made from brandy flavoured with bitter almonds or peach-stones.
OUTBOXoutbox n. A box holding papers to be transmitted to others, eg, by mail.
outbox n. (Computing) An electronic folder serving the same purpose, for electronic mail.
outbox v. (Boxing, transitive) To box better than.
OUTFOXoutfox v. (Transitive) to beat in a competition of wits.
OUTFOX v. to outwit.
TUXEDOtuxedo n. A typically black formal jacket worn by men.
tuxedo n. The entire suit complementing and including this jacket.
tuxedo n. Ellipsis of tuxedo cat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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