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There are 13 eight-letter words containing O, V and X

BICONVEXbiconvex adj. Having both sides convex.
BICONVEX adj. convex on both sides.
CONVEXEDconvexed adj. Made convex; protuberant in a spherical form.
CONVEX v. to make convex.
CONVEXESconvexes n. Plural of convex.
CONVEX v. to make convex.
CONVEXLYconvexly adv. In a convex manner.
CONVEX adv. having an outline or surface curved like the exterior of a circle or sphere.
FOXGLOVEfoxglove n. Digitalis, a genus of about 20 species of herbaceous biennials native to the Old World, certain of which…
fox-glove n. Alternative form of foxglove.
FOXGLOVE n. a tall plant with drooping bell-shaped flowers.
GLOVEBOXglovebox n. Alternative form of glove box.
glove␣box n. (Automotive) A small compartment with a door on the dashboard of a car, usually on passenger side, used…
glove␣box n. A plastic box or similar enclosure containing a controlled environment, with rubber gloves fastened…
NOUVEAUXNOUVEAU n. (French) something new.
POXVIRUSpoxvirus n. Any of a group of DNA viruses, of the family Poxviridae, that cause pox diseases in vertebrates.
Poxvirus prop.n. (Archaic) A taxonomic genus within the family unknown – see Orthopoxvirus.
POXVIRUS n. any one of a group of DNA-containing animal viruses.
VEXATIONvexation n. The act of annoying, vexing, or irritating.
vexation n. The state of being vexed or irritated.
vexation n. Something that vexes or irritates.
VEXATORYvexatory adj. (Archaic) vexatious.
VEXATORY adj. causing annoyance.
VIDEOTEXvideotex n. Any of various early information retrieval services, such as viewdata and Teletext systems, that delivered…
VIDEOTEX n. an electronic system for transmitting data.
VOLVOXESvolvoxes n. Plural of volvox.
VOLVOX n. (Latin) any of a genus of freshwater protozoa.
VORTEXESvortexes n. Plural of vortex.
VORTEX n. (Latin) a whirling mass of fluid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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