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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing 2O, P and X

BOXPLOTSboxplots n. Plural of boxplot.
box␣plots n. Plural of box plot.
BOXPLOT n. a type of statistical graph.
COWPOXEScowpoxes n. Plural of cowpox.
COWPOX n. a cattle disease.
EXOSPOREexospore n. The outer layer of a spore, especially in some algae and fungi.
EXOSPORE n. the outer covering of a spore.
EXPOSOMEexposome n. A measure of the effects of life-long environmental exposures on health.
EXPOSOME n. a collection of environmental factors, such as stress and diet, to which an individual is exposed and which can have an effect on health.
HORSEPOXhorsepox n. A disease of horses caused by an orthopoxvirus.
horse-pox n. Alternative form of horsepox.
HORSEPOX n. a skin disease of horses.
OPOPANAXopopanax n. (Obsolete) A gum resin obtained from the root of Opopanax chironium, formerly used in medicine.
opopanax n. A perfume made from the gum resin of various trees.
opopanax n. The popinac or opopanax tree (Acacia farnesiana, syn. Vachellia farnesiana), an acacia of America.
OXYTROPEoxytrope n. (Botany) Synonym of locoweed.
OXYTROPE n. a genus of plants in the legume family, including locoweed.
POLYAXONpolyaxon n. (Zoology) In a sponge, a spicule that has more than four centered axes.
POLYAXON n. a nerve cell with multiple branches.
PROTOXIDprotoxid n. Archaic form of protoxide.
PROTOXID n. that one of a series of oxides having the lowest proportion of oxygen, also PROTOXIDE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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