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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 2O, 2P, R and S

APOSPORYapospory n. (Biology) The ability of a plant’s sporophytes to form a plant that looks like a gametophyte but has…
APOSPORY n. reproduction without spore formation.
APPROOFSapproofs n. Plural of approof.
APPROOF n. (archaic) the act of proving; approbation.
DROPTOPSdroptops n. Plural of droptop.
drop␣tops n. Plural of drop top.
DROPTOP n. a convertible automobile.
EUROPOPSEUROPOP n. a form of simple yet infuriatingly catchy pop music, performed by European artists.
OPPOSERSopposers n. Plural of opposer.
OPPOSER n. one who opposes.
PHOSPHORphosphor n. (Chemistry) Any of various compounds of transition metals or of rare earths that exhibit phosphorescence.
phosphor n. (Chemistry, obsolete) Phosphorus.
Phosphor prop.n. Alternative spelling of Phosphorus (“the planet Venus, as the morning star”).
POPCORNSpopcorns n. Plural of popcorn.
popcorns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of popcorn.
POPCORN n. maize or Indian corn, the kernels of which swell up and burst open with a small explosive sound when heated.
POPOVERSpopovers n. Plural of popover.
POPOVER n. a very light egg muffin.
PORPOISEporpoise n. A small cetacean of the family Phocoenidae, related to dolphins and whales.
porpoise n. (North America, imprecisely) Any small dolphin.
porpoise v. (Intransitive) Said of an air-breathing aquatic animal such as a porpoise or penguin: To repeatedly…
PROPOLISpropolis n. An aromatic glue-like substance produced by honeybees from tree resin, waxes, and their own secretions…
PROPOLIS n. (Greek) a resinous substance used as a cement by bees.
PROPONESpropones v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of propone.
PROPONE v. to propose, bring forward.
PROPOSALproposal n. Something which is proposed, or offered for consideration or acceptance.
PROPOSAL n. something that is proposed.
PROPOSEDproposed v. Simple past tense and past participle of propose.
PROPOSE v. to put forward for consideration or acceptance.
PROPOSERproposer n. Someone who proposes; someone who makes a proposal. agent noun of propose.
PROPOSER n. one that proposes.
PROPOSESproposes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of propose.
PROPOSE v. to put forward for consideration or acceptance.
PROSOPONprosopon n. (Theology) The self-manifestation of an individual.
prosopon n. (Zoology) A variety of small-scale structures in trilobites, such as ribbing, domes, and perforations.
PROSOPON n. the embodiment of any one of the Trinity.
REOPPOSEreoppose v. To oppose again.
REOPPOSE v. to oppose again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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