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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 2P and 2T

APPESTATappestat n. The area of the brain (possibly in the hypothalamus) supposed to control appetite and regulate food intake.
APPESTAT n. a neural centre in the hypothalamus believed to control (food) appetite.
APPETENTappetent adj. (Archaic) eagerly desirous.
APPETENT adj. craving.
APPETITEappetite n. Desire to eat food or consume drink.
appetite n. Any strong desire; an eagerness or longing.
appetite n. The desire for some personal gratification, either of the body or of the mind.
PAINTPOTpaintpot n. A pot for holding paint.
paintpot n. (Dated, television) A lever on a telecine machine that controls the range of colors in an image.
paint-pot n. Alternative form of paintpot.
PATTYPANpattypan n. A pan used for baking patties.
pattypan n. (Chiefly North America) A small variety of squash with a scalloped rim and creamy white flesh; a pattypan squash.
PATTYPAN n. a pan in which patties are baked.
PIPETTEDpipetted v. Simple past tense and past participle of pipet.
PIPETTE v. to transfer, measure, draw off or out, (a liquid or gas) with a pipette.
PIPETTESpipettes n. Plural of pipette.
PIPETTE v. to transfer, measure, draw off or out, (a liquid or gas) with a pipette.
PITAPATSpitapats n. Plural of pitapat.
pit-a-pats n. Plural of pit-a-pat.
pit-a-pats v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pit-a-pat.
POPETTESPOPETTE n. a young female fan of pop music.
TIPPIESTtippiest adj. Superlative form of tippy: most tippy.
TIPPY adj. (slang) in the height of fashion.
TIPPYTOEtippytoe n. Alternative form of tiptoe.
tippytoe v. Alternative form of tiptoe.
tippy-toe n. Alternative spelling of tippytoe.
TITTUPPYtittuppy adj. Given to tittuping; lively; prancing.
tittuppy adj. Shaky; unsteady.
TITTUPPY adj. gay, lively, unsteady, also TITTUPY, TITUPY.
TITUPPEDtitupped v. Simple past tense and past participle of titup.
TITUP v. to prance.
TOPOTYPEtopotype n. (Geology) type locality.
topotype n. (Taxonomy) A specimen from the type locality.
TOPOTYPE n. a specimen selected from a locality typical of a species.
TOPPIESTTOPPY adj. of audio reproduction, dominated by high-frequency sounds.
TRIPPANTtrippant adj. (Heraldry) Represented as walking or trotting, usually with one of the forehooves lifted while the remaining…
TRIPPANT adj. tripping.
TRIPPETStrippets n. Plural of trippet.
TRIPPET n. a trivet which strikes another mechanism regularly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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