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There are 15 seven-letter words containing 2R, U and V

BRAVURAbravura n. (Music) A highly technical or difficult piece, usually written for effect.
bravura n. A display of daring.
bravura adj. Overly showy; ostentatious.
BRAVUREbravure n. Plural of bravura.
BRAVURA n. (Italian) a brilliant display of musical technique.
CURVIERcurvier adj. Comparative form of curvy: more curvy.
CURVEY adj. curved, also CURVY.
FERVOURfervour n. An intense, heated emotion; passion, ardour.
fervour n. A passionate enthusiasm for some cause.
fervour n. Heat.
GRAVUREgravure n. (Art, printing) A type of intaglio printing process, in which an image is engraved onto a rotating copper cylinder.
gravure n. (Japan) A style of Japanese softcore; glamour photography.
GRAVURE n. any process of making an intaglio printing plate.
NERVUREnervure n. A vein in the wing of an insect.
nervure n. (Botany, now rare) Any of the veins that form the branching framework of conducting and supporting tissues…
nervure n. (Architecture) One of the ribs in a groined vault; a projecting moulding.
OUVRIERouvrier n. A French labourer or manual worker.
OUVRIER n. (French) a (male) manual or industrial worker, also OUVRIERE.
OVERRUNoverrun v. To defeat an enemy and invade in great numbers, seizing the enemy positions conclusively.
overrun v. To infest, swarm over, flow over.
overrun v. To run past; to run beyond.
RECURVErecurve n. A type of knife blade shape that involves several curves including a concave curve on a portion of the…
recurve n. A recurve bow.
recurve n. A landform consisting of a hook at the tip of a coastal spit.
REVEURSREVEUR n. (French) a daydreamer.
RUNOVERrunover n. (Printing) A line of text that overruns the available space.
runover n. (Television) The situation where a television programme overruns its scheduled slot.
run␣over v. (Idiomatic) To exceed the allotted time.
UPRIVERupriver adv. Towards the source of a river.
upriver adv. Against the current.
upriver adj. Towards the source of a river.
VERDUREverdure n. The greenness of lush or growing vegetation; also: the vegetation itself.
verdure n. (By extension) A condition of health and vigour.
verdure v. (Transitive) To cover with verdure.
VERRUCAverruca n. (Pathology) A wart, especially one that grows on the foot, caused by a human papilloma virus.
verruca n. (Mycology) A rounded projection or wart.
verruca n. (Botany) A sexine element similar to a wart.
VERRUGAverruga n. Obsolete form of verruca. (wart)
VERRUGA n. (Spanish) a fever with warty tumours, endemic in Peru.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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