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There are 13 seven-letter words containing R, 2T and X

EXTORTSextorts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of extort.
EXTORT v. to obtain something by violence or intimidation.
EXTRACTextract n. Something that is extracted or drawn out.
extract n. A portion of a book or document, incorporated distinctly in another work; a citation; a quotation.
extract n. A decoction, solution, or infusion made by drawing out from any substance that which gives it its essential…
EXTRAITEXTRAIT n. (French) an extract.
EXTREATextreat n. (Obsolete) Estreat.
extreat n. (Obsolete) Extraction.
EXTREAT v. (Spenser) to extract or eliminate (something).
FOXTROTfoxtrot n. A ballroom dance with a slow-slow-quick-quick rhythm.
foxtrot n. A pace with short steps, as in changing from trotting to walking.
foxtrot n. (International standards) Alternative letter-case form of Foxtrot from the NATO/ICAO Phonetic Alphabet.
MARTEXTmartext n. (Obsolete, rare) A blundering preacher.
MARTEXT n. an ignorant preacher.
PRETEXTpretext n. A false, contrived, or assumed purpose or reason; a pretense.
pretext v. To employ a pretext, which involves using a false or contrived purpose for soliciting the gain of something else.
PRETEXT n. an ostensible motive or reason, put forward as an excuse or to conceal the true one.
TECTRIXtectrix n. The covert of a bird’s wing.
TECTRIX n. (Latin) one of the coverts (feathers covering the main feathers) of a bird's wing.
TEXTERStexters n. Plural of texter.
Texters prop.n. Plural of Texter.
TEXTER n. a person who communicates by text messaging.
TEXTUREtexture n. The feel or shape of a surface or substance; the smoothness, roughness, softness, etc. of something.
texture n. (Art) The quality given to a work of art by the composition and interaction of its parts.
texture n. (Computer graphics) An image applied to a polygon to create the appearance of a surface.
TORTRIXtortrix n. (Entomology) A tortrix moth, any member of the family Tortricidae.
Tortrix prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Tortricidae – certain moths.
TORTRIX n. a kind of small moth.
URTEXTEURTEXT n. (German) the original or earliest version of a text, such as a musical composition or literary work.
URTEXTSurtexts n. Plural of urtext.
ur-texts n. Plural of ur-text.
Ur-texts n. Plural of Ur-text.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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