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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing R, S, U and 2V

OVERFAVOURSoverfavours v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overfavour.
OVERFAVOUR v. to favour excessively.
OVEROBVIOUSoverobvious adj. Excessively obvious.
OVEROBVIOUS adj. too obvious.
PAPOVAVIRUSpapovavirus n. (Archaic, virology) Any of the former family Papovaviridae, now split into the Papillomaviridae and…
PAPOVAVIRUS n. any of a group of DNA-containing oncogenic viruses.
REVULSIVELYREVULSIVE adv. causing, or tending to, revulsion.
SEMPERVIVUMsempervivum n. Any of the genus Sempervivum of succulent plants, the houseleeks or liveforevers.
Sempervivum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Crassulaceae – the houseleeks etc.
SEMPERVIVUM n. a plant, the houseleek.
SUBVERSIVESsubversives n. Plural of subversive.
SUBVERSIVE n. one who subverts.
SURVIVALISMsurvivalism n. A belief, expressed by survivalists, in being prepared to survive disasters and cataclysms including…
SURVIVALISM n. the practice of taking of measures to ensure personal survival.
SURVIVALISTsurvivalist n. A person who believes in being prepared to survive and is actively preparing for possible future emergencies…
SURVIVALIST n. a person who advocates or practices survivalism.
SURVIVANCESsurvivances n. Plural of survivance.
SURVIVANCE n. survival; the succession or right to succeed on surviving the present holder.
VERMIVOROUSvermivorous adj. Feeding on worms.
VERMIVOROUS adj. eating worms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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