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List of 2-letter words containing

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There are 5 two-letter words containing X

AXax n. (American spelling) Alternative form of axe.
ax v. (American spelling) Alternative form of axe.
ax v. (Now nonstandard or dialectical, especially AAVE and Bermuda) Alternative form of ask.
EXex n. The name of the Latin-script letter X/x.
ex v. To delete; to cross out.
ex n. (Colloquial) A former partner or spouse, usually short for ex-girlfriend, ex-boyfriend, ex-wife or ex-husband.
OXox n. An adult castrated male of cattle (B. taurus), especially when used as a beast of burden.
ox n. Any bovine animal (genus Bos). A neat, a beef.
ox n. Abbreviation of oxygen.
XIxi n. The 14th letter of Classical and Modern Greek. The 15th in Ancient and Old Greek.
xi n. (Physics) Either of a pair of hyperons having spin 1/2, which decay into a lambda particle and a pion.
xi sym. Ⅺ, the Roman numeral eleven (11).
XUxu n. A minor unit of currency in Vietnam, now little-used, forming a hundredth of a dong.
Xu prop.n. A Chinese surname from Mandarin from 徐 or 許.
ǃXũ prop.n. A Northern Khoisan language of Namibia, Angola, and Botswana. This language has about 5,000 speakers…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org.

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