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There are 9 words beginning with ABSI

ABSITabsit n. (UK) Formal permission to be away from a college for the greater part of the day or more.
absit n. A portion of fermenting dough diluted to a paste with water and then cooked.
ABSIT n. (Latin) a student's leave to pass one night away from college.
ABSITSabsits n. Plural of absit.
ABSIT n. (Latin) a student's leave to pass one night away from college.
ABSINTHabsinth n. Alternative form of absinthe.
ABSINTH n. (French) the wormwood plant or other species of Artemisia; a liqueur made from this, also ABSINTHE.
ABSINTHEabsinthe n. The herb absinthium Artemisia absinthium (grande wormwood); essence of wormwood.
absinthe n. (Figurative) Bitterness; sorrow.
absinthe n. A distilled, highly alcoholic, anise-flavored liquor originally made from grande wormwood, anise, and other herbs.
ABSINTHSabsinths n. Plural of absinth.
ABSINTH n. (French) the wormwood plant or other species of Artemisia; a liqueur made from this, also ABSINTHE.
ABSINTHESabsinthes n. Plural of absinthe.
ABSINTHE n. (French) the wormwood plant or other species of Artemisia; a liqueur made from this, also ABSINTH.
ABSINTHISMabsinthism n. The condition of being poisoned by the excessive use of absinthe.
ABSINTHISM n. a disease resembling alcoholism.
ABSINTHISMSABSINTHISM n. a disease resembling alcoholism.
ABSINTHIATEDabsinthiated v. Simple past tense and past participle of absinthiate.
absinthiated adj. Impregnated with wormwood.
ABSINTHIATED adj. impregnated with absinth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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