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There are 13 eight-letter words beginning with BOMB

BOMBABLEbombable adj. Suitable for bombing; that can be bombed.
BOMBABLE adj. able to be bombed.
BOMBARDEBombarde n. (Music) A powerful, brassy reed stop on an organ of 8’, 16’ or 32’.
BOMBARDE n. an alto wind instrument similar to the oboe.
BOMBARDSbombards n. Plural of bombard.
bombards n. (Obsolete) Padded breeches.
bombards v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bombard.
BOMBASTSbombasts n. Plural of bombast.
bombasts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bombast.
BOMBAST v. to stuff or pad with cotton wool or the like.
BOMBAXESbombaxes n. Plural of bombax.
BOMBAX n. (Latin) a tree of the genus Bombax, the silk-cotton tree.
BOMBESINbombesin n. (Biochemistry) A neural oligopeptide that stimulates the release of gastrin.
BOMBESIN n. a hormone partly responsible for regulating appetite.
BOMBINGSbombings n. Plural of bombing.
BOMBING n. an attack with bombs.
BOMBLETSbomblets n. Plural of bomblet.
BOMBLET n. a small bomb.
BOMBLOADbombload n. The amount of ordnance held by a bomber aircraft.
BOMBLOAD n. as many bombs as a plane may carry.
BOMBORASbomboras n. Plural of bombora.
BOMBORA n. (Native Australian) a submerged reef.
BOMBSITEbombsite n. A bomb site: a place where a bomb has exploded.
bomb␣site n. An area that an active bomb is contained in, normally sealed off by the authorities.
bomb␣site n. A building or other site destroyed by enemy aerial bombardment.
BOMBYCIDbombycid n. (Zoology) Any of the moths of the family Bombycidae.
BOMBYCID n. a silkworm.
BOMBYXESbombyxes n. Plural of bombyx.
BOMBYX n. (Greek) a moth of the genus Bombyx, which includes the silkworm moth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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