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There are 20 words beginning with BEAM

BEAMbeam n. Any large piece of timber or iron long in proportion to its thickness, and prepared for use.
beam n. One of the principal horizontal structural members, usually of steel, timber, or concrete, of a building;…
beam n. (Nautical) The maximum width of a vessel (note that a vessel with a beam of 15 foot can also be said…
BEAMEDbeamed v. Simple past tense and past participle of beam.
beamed adj. Furnished with beams or timbers.
beamed adj. Furnished with beams, as the head of a stag.
BEAMERbeamer n. (Gymnastics, slang) A gymnast proficient with or specializing in the balance beam.
beamer n. (Cricket) A ball, presumed to have been bowled accidentally, that does not bounce, but reaches the batsman…
beamer n. (Chiefly non-native speakers’ English) A projector.
BEAMERSbeamers n. Plural of beamer.
Beamers n. Plural of Beamer.
BEAMER n. a workman or machine that puts yarn on the arm of a loom.
BEAMIERbeamier adj. Comparative form of beamy: more beamy.
BEAMY adj. radiant.
BEAMIESTbeamiest adj. Superlative form of beamy: most beamy.
BEAMY adj. radiant.
BEAMILYbeamily adv. In a beaming manner.
BEAMILY adv. radiantly.
BEAMINESSbeaminess n. The state or quality of being beamy.
BEAMINESS n. the state of being beamy.
BEAMINESSESBEAMINESS n. the state of being beamy.
BEAMINGbeaming adj. Smilingly happy; showing happy emotion.
beaming v. Present participle of beam.
beaming n. The act of someone or something that beams.
BEAMINGLYbeamingly adv. In a beaming way, or while beaming.
BEAMING adv. smiling broadly.
BEAMINGSbeamings n. Plural of beaming.
BEAMING n. the act of beaming.
BEAMISHbeamish adj. (Nonce word) Radiantly beaming; happy; cheerful.
Beamish prop.n. A surname from Norman.
Beamish prop.n. A village in County Durham, England (OS grid ref NZ2253).
BEAMISHLYbeamishly adv. In a beamish manner.
BEAMISH adv. radiant.
BEAMLESSbeamless adj. Not having a beam.
beamless adj. Not emitting light.
BEAMLESS adj. without beams.
BEAMLETbeamlet n. A small beam or ray.
BEAMLET n. a small beam of light.
BEAMLETSbeamlets n. Plural of beamlet.
BEAMLET n. a small beam of light.
BEAMLIKEbeamlike adj. Having the form of a beam.
BEAMLIKE adj. like a beam.
BEAMSbeams n. Plural of beam.
beams v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of beam.
BEAM v. to emit a ray of light.
BEAMYbeamy adj. Resembling a beam in size and weight; massy.
beamy adj. (Archaic) Having horns or antlers.
beamy adj. (Nautical) Having much beam or breadth; wide.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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