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There are 10 words beginning with BOSO

BOSOMbosom n. (Anatomy, somewhat dated) The breast or chest of a human (or sometimes of another animal).
bosom n. The seat of one’s inner thoughts, feelings, etc.; one’s secret feelings; desire.
bosom n. The protected interior or inner part of something; the area enclosed as by an embrace.
BOSOMEDbosomed adj. Having a bosom (of a specified kind).
BOSOM v. to enclose in the bosom.
BOSOMIERbosomier adj. Comparative form of bosomy: more bosomy.
BOSOMY adj. having large breasts.
BOSOMIESTbosomiest adj. Superlative form of bosomy: most bosomy.
BOSOMY adj. having large breasts.
BOSOMINGbosoming v. Present participle of bosom.
BOSOM v. to enclose in the bosom.
BOSOMSbosoms n. Plural of bosom.
BOSOM v. to enclose in the bosom.
BOSOMYbosomy adj. Full of sheltered hollows or recesses.
bosomy adj. Having a large bosom.
BOSOMY adj. having large breasts.
BOSONboson n. (Physics) A particle with totally symmetric composite quantum states, which exempts them from the Pauli…
boson n. (Obsolete) A boatswain.
BOSON n. any of a certain class of subatomic particles.
BOSONICbosonic adj. (Quantum mechanics) Of, pertaining to, or resembling a boson.
BOSONIC adj. relating to a boson, a kind of subatomic particle.
BOSONSbosons n. Plural of boson.
BOSON n. any of a certain class of subatomic particles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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