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There are 9 eight-letter words beginning with CALO

CALOMELScalomels n. Plural of calomel.
CALOMEL n. a strong purgative, a compound of mercury, acting on the liver.
CALORICSCALORIC n. a hypothetical fluid formerly thought to be responsible for the phenomena of heat.
CALORIEScalories n. Plural of calorie.
calories n. Plural of calory.
CALORIE n. the amount of heat needed to raise one gram of water one degree Centigrade in temperature, also CALORY.
CALORISEcalorise v. Alternative form of calorize.
CALORISE v. to coat steel with aluminum, also CALORIZE.
CALORISTcalorist n. (Historical) A scientist who favoured the caloric theory, dealing with the hypothetical medium of heat.
CALORIST n. a person who believes in the caloric theory.
CALORIZEcalorize v. To form a protective surface on (a ferrous metal) by coating with aluminum powder and then heating.
calorize v. (Intransitive, dated) To follow a diet that focuses on the number of calories in food.
calorize v. (Transitive) To provide information about the number of calories in (a food item).
CALOTTEScalottes n. Plural of calotte.
CALOTTE n. (French) a Roman Catholic skullcap.
CALOTYPEcalotype n. A talbotype.
CALOTYPE n. (tradename) an early type of photography, also KALOTYPE.
CALOYERScaloyers n. Plural of caloyer.
CALOYER n. (French) a Greek Orthodox monk, esp. of the order of St Basil.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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