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There are 14 words beginning with CHIF

CHIFFCHAFFchiffchaff n. A small, common warbler, Phylloscopus collybita, with yellowish-green plumage that breeds throughout…
chiffchaff n. Any of several other species of the same genus.
chiffchaff n. (UK, onomatopoeic, uncountable) The song of the chiffchaff.
CHIFFCHAFFSchiffchaffs n. Plural of chiffchaff.
CHIFFCHAFF n. a small grayish European warbler.
CHIFFONchiffon n. A lightweight, balanced plain-woven sheer fabric, or gauze, like gossamer, woven of alternate S- and…
chiffon n. Any purely ornamental accessory on a woman’s dress, such as a bunch of ribbon, lace, etc.
CHIFFON n. (French) a sheer fabric.
CHIFFONADEchiffonade n. A culinary preparation of herbs or leafy vegetables cut into long, thin ribbons.
chiffonade v. To prepare a chiffonade.
CHIFFONADE n. (French) green plants cooked in butter, esp. a mixture of lettuce and sorrel.
CHIFFONADESchiffonades n. Plural of chiffonade.
chiffonades v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chiffonade.
CHIFFONADE n. (French) green plants cooked in butter, esp. a mixture of lettuce and sorrel.
CHIFFONIERchiffonier n. A tall, elegant chest of drawers, often with a mirror attached.
chiffonier n. One who gathers rags and odds and ends; a ragpicker.
chiffonier n. A receptacle for rags or shreds.
CHIFFONIERSchiffoniers n. Plural of chiffonier.
CHIFFONIER n. (French) a chest of drawers, also CHIFFONNIER.
CHIFFONNIERchiffonnier n. Alternative form of chiffonier.
CHIFFONNIER n. (French) a chest of drawers, also CHIFFONIER.
CHIFFONNIERSchiffonniers n. Plural of chiffonnier.
CHIFFONNIER n. (French) a chest of drawers, also CHIFFONIER.
CHIFFONNIESTCHIFFONY adj. like chiffon, a sheer silk fabric.
CHIFFONSchiffons n. Plural of chiffon.
CHIFFON n. (French) a sheer fabric.
CHIFFONYchiffony adj. Resembling or characteristic of chiffon material.
CHIFFONY adj. like chiffon, a sheer silk fabric.
CHIFFOROBEchifforobe n. A piece of furniture consisting of a wardrobe combined with a chest of drawers.
CHIFFOROBE n. a combination of wardrobe and chest of drawers.
CHIFFOROBESchifforobes n. Plural of chifforobe.
CHIFFOROBE n. a combination of wardrobe and chest of drawers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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