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There are 18 words beginning with COSE

COSEcose v. (Intransitive) To make oneself cosy; to be snug.
COSE v. to make oneself cosy.
COSECcosec sym. Alternative form of csc (“cosecant”).
COSEC n. a trigonometrical function of an angle, also COSECANT.
COSEDcosed v. Simple past tense and past participle of cose.
COSE v. to make oneself cosy.
COSEScoses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cose.
coses n. Plural of cos.
COSE v. to make oneself cosy.
COSETcoset n. (Algebra, group theory) The set that results from applying a group’s binary operation with a given fixed…
COSET n. a mathematical subset.
COSEYcosey adj. Archaic spelling of cosy.
cosey n. Archaic spelling of cosy.
Cosey prop.n. A surname.
COSECHcosech sym. Alternative form of csch (“hyperbolic cosecant”).
COSECH n. a hyperbolic cosecant.
COSECSCOSEC n. a trigonometrical function of an angle, also COSECANT.
COSETScosets n. Plural of coset.
COSET n. a mathematical subset.
COSEYScoseys n. Plural of cosey.
Coseys prop.n. Plural of Cosey.
COSEY n. a covering for a teapot, also COSIE, COZEY, COZIE.
COSECHSCOSECH n. a hyperbolic cosecant.
COSECANTcosecant n. (Trigonometry) In a right triangle, the reciprocal of the sine of an angle. Symbols: cosec, csc.
COSECANT n. a trigonometrical function of an angle, also COSEC.
COSECANTScosecants n. Plural of cosecant.
COSECANT n. a trigonometrical function of an angle, also COSEC.
COSEISMALcoseismal adj. Of or pertaining to a line on a map connecting places simultaneously affected by a seismic event.
coseismal n. A line on a map connecting places simultaneously affected by a seismic event.
COSEISMAL adj. connecting points simultaneously affected by an earthquake.
COSEISMICcoseismic adj. During an earthquake.
coseismic adj. Coseismal.
COSEISMIC adj. connecting points simultaneously affected by an earthquake.
COSEISMALScoseismals n. Plural of coseismal.
COSEISMAL n. a coseismal line, also COSEISMIC.
COSEISMICSCOSEISMIC n. a coseismal line, also COSEISMAL.
COSENTIENTcosentient adj. Perceiving together.
COSENTIENT adj. perceiving together.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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