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There are 17 words beginning with CYMO

CYMOGENEcymogene n. (Chemistry) A highly volatile liquid, condensed by cold and pressure from the first products of the…
CYMOGENE n. a volatile compound.
CYMOGENEScymogenes n. Plural of cymogene.
CYMOGENE n. a volatile compound.
CYMOGRAPHcymograph n. An instrument for obtaining drawings from the mouldings of Gothic architecture.
CYMOGRAPH n. an instrument for tracing the outline of mouldings, also CYMAGRAPH.
CYMOGRAPHICcymographic adj. Of or relating to the cymograph.
CYMOGRAPHIC adj. relating to a cymograph.
CYMOGRAPHScymographs n. Plural of cymograph.
CYMOGRAPH n. an instrument for tracing the outline of mouldings, also CYMAGRAPH.
CYMOIDcymoid adj. (Architecture) Resembling a cyma.
cymoid adj. (Botany) Having the form of a cyme.
CYMOID adj. like a cyme, a type of flower cluster.
CYMOLcymol n. (Organic chemistry) cymene.
CYMOL n. a hydrocarbon, also CYMENE.
CYMOLScymols n. Plural of cymol.
CYMOL n. a hydrocarbon, also CYMENE.
CYMOPHANEcymophane n. (Mineralogy) A translucent yellowish chatoyant chrysoberyl.
CYMOPHANE n. cat's-eye, a variety of chrysoberyl with wavy opalescence.
CYMOPHANEScymophanes n. Plural of cymophane.
CYMOPHANE n. cat's-eye, a variety of chrysoberyl with wavy opalescence.
CYMOPHANOUScymophanous adj. Having a wavy, floating light; opalescent; chatoyant.
CYMOPHANOUS adj. opalescent.
CYMOSEcymose adj. (Botany) having a usually flat-topped flower cluster in which the main and branch stems each end in…
CYMOSE adj. resembling a cyme, also CYMOUS.
CYMOSELYcymosely adv. In a cymose fashion.
CYMOSE adv. resembling a cyme, also CYMOUS.
CYMOTRICHIESCYMOTRICHY n. the state of being cymotrichous, having wavy hair.
CYMOTRICHOUScymotrichous adj. (Anthropology) Having wavy hair.
CYMOTRICHOUS adj. having wavy hair.
CYMOTRICHYcymotrichy n. (Anthropology) The state of having wavy hair.
CYMOTRICHY n. the state of being cymotrichous, having wavy hair.
CYMOUScymous adj. Cymose.
CYMOUS adj. resembling a cyme, also CYMOSE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 29 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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