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There are 16 ten-letter words beginning with DAN

DANCECORESDANCECORE n. a type of Electronic/Techno music with rapid beats and often, extreme distortion.
DANCEHALLSdancehalls n. Plural of dancehall.
dance-halls n. Plural of dance-hall.
dance␣halls n. Plural of dance hall.
DANCEMAKERdancemaker n. A composer of dances.
DANCESPORTdancesport n. Dance as a sport activity; often specifically competitive ballroom dancing.
DANCEWEARSDANCEWEAR n. clothing suitable for dance classes, e.g. tights, leotards, bodysuits.
DANDELIONSdandelions n. Plural of dandelion.
DANDELION n. a common yellow-flowered composite with jagged-toothed leaves.
DANDIFYINGdandifying v. Present participle of dandify.
DANDIFY v. to dress up.
DANDIPRATSdandiprats n. (Obsolete) plural of dandiprat.
DANDIPRAT n. (obsolete) a silver three-halfpenny piece, also DANDYPRAT.
DANDYFUNKSDANDYFUNK n. a ship's biscuit, soaked in fat and molasses and baked in a pan, also DUNDERFUNK.
DANDYISHLYdandyishly adv. In a dandyish manner.
DANDYISH adv. suggestive of a dandy.
DANDYPRATSdandyprats n. Plural of dandyprat.
DANDYPRAT n. (obsolete) a silver three-halfpenny piece, also DANDIPRAT.
DANGERLESSdangerless adj. Without danger.
DANGERLESS adj. without danger.
DANGLINGLYdanglingly adv. So as to dangle.
DANGLING adv. hanging down.
DANKNESSESdanknesses n. Plural of dankness.
DANKNESS n. the state of being dank.
DANNEBROGSDANNEBROG n. (Danish) the ancient battle standard of Denmark, bearing figures of cross and crown.
DANTHONIASdanthonias n. Plural of danthonia.
DANTHONIA n. a tufted grass native to Australia and New Zealand.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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