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There are 11 words beginning with DEIS

DEISEALdeiseal n. Motion towards the right, in the direction of the hands of a clock or of the apparent motion of the…
deiseal adv. Clockwise; sunwise.
deiseal interj. A deprecation meaning May it go right, said to someone who sneezes or swallows something awry.
DEISEALSdeiseals n. Plural of deiseal.
DEISEAL n. (Scots) motion in the same direction as the sun, also DEASIL, DEASIUL, DEASOIL, DEISHEAL.
DEISHEALDEISHEAL n. (Scots) motion in the same direction as the sun, also DEASIL, DEASIUL, DEASOIL, DEISEAL.
DEISHEALSDEISHEAL n. (Scots) motion in the same direction as the sun, also DEASIL, DEASIUL, DEASOIL, DEISEAL.
DEISMdeism n. A philosophical belief in the existence of a god (or goddess) knowable through human reason; especially…
deism n. Belief in a god who ceased to intervene with existence after acting as the cause of the cosmos.
Deism n. A religious philosophy and movement prominent in 17th-18th-century England, France, and what is now…
DEISMSdeisms n. Plural of deism.
Deisms n. Plural of Deism.
DEISM n. belief in God but rejection of religion.
DEISTdeist adj. (Religion) of or relating to deism.
deist n. (Religion) a person who believes in deism.
Deist prop.n. A surname from German.
DEISTICdeistic adj. Of or relating to deism.
Deistic adj. Alternative letter-case form of deistic.
DEISTIC adj. relating to deism.
DEISTICALdeistical adj. Of or relating to deism.
DEISTICAL adj. relating to deism, also DEISTIC.
DEISTICALLYdeistically adv. In a deistic manner.
DEISTICAL adv. relating to deism, also DEISTIC.
DEISTSdeists n. Plural of deist.
Deists n. Plural of Deist (alternative spelling of deists).
deïsts n. Plural of deïst.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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