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There are 16 words beginning with ESCO

ESCOLARescolar n. Lepidocybium flavobrunneum, one of the snake mackerels.
escolar n. Any fish of species Ruvettus pretiosus, oilfish.
escolar n. Any of several other perciform fish of the family Gempylidae (snake mackerels).
ESCOLARSescolars n. Plural of escolar.
ESCOLAR n. (Spanish) an Atlantic fish of spectacled appearance.
ESCOPETTEescopette n. Alternative form of escopet.
ESCOPETTE n. (French) a kind of firearm; a carbine.
ESCOPETTESescopettes n. Plural of escopette.
ESCOPETTE n. (French) a kind of firearm; a carbine.
ESCORTescort n. A group of people or vehicles, generally armed, who go with a person or people of importance to safeguard…
escort n. An accompanying person in such a group.
escort n. A guard who travels with a dangerous person, such as a criminal, for the protection of others.
ESCORTAGEescortage n. The act of escorting somebody.
ESCORTAGE n. (US) escort.
ESCORTAGESescortages n. Plural of escortage.
ESCORTAGE n. (US) escort.
ESCORTEDescorted adj. With or having an escort.
escorted v. Simple past tense and past participle of escort.
ESCORT v. to accompany.
ESCORTINGescorting v. Present participle of escort.
escorting n. The act by which someone is escorted; provision of an escort.
ESCORT v. to accompany.
ESCORTSescorts n. Plural of escort.
escorts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of escort.
ESCORT v. to accompany.
ESCOTESCOT v. (Shakespeare) to maintain financially.
ESCOTEDESCOT v. (Shakespeare) to maintain financially.
ESCOTINGESCOT v. (Shakespeare) to maintain financially.
ESCOTSESCOT v. (Shakespeare) to maintain financially.
ESCOTTEDESCOT v. (Shakespeare) to maintain financially.
ESCOTTINGESCOT v. (Shakespeare) to maintain financially.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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