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There are 6 eight-letter words beginning with ENTRE

ENTREATSentreats n. Plural of entreat.
entreats v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of entreat.
ENTREAT v. to ask for earnestly, also INTREAT.
ENTREATYentreaty n. The act of entreating or beseeching; a strong petition; pressing solicitation; begging.
entreaty n. (Archaic) A treatment; reception; entertainment.
ENTREATY n. an earnest request or prayer.
ENTREMESENTREMES n. (French) edible pastry sculpture served between main courses, also ENTREMESSE, ENTREMETS.
ENTRENCHentrench v. (Construction, archaeology) To dig or excavate a trench; to trench.
entrench v. (Military) To surround or provide with a trench, especially for defense; to dig in.
entrench v. (Figuratively) To establish a substantial position in business, politics, etc.
ENTREPOTentrepot n. Alternative spelling of entrepôt.
entrepôt n. A city, port, or other place where merchandise is sent for import, processing, distribution, and/or…
entrepôt n. (Archaic).
ENTRESOLentresol n. A mezzanine; an intermediate floor in a building, typically resembling a balcony; most often, the floor…
ENTRESOL n. (French) a low storey between two higher ones, usually between the ground floor and the first storey.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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