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There are 9 words beginning with FUSA

FUSAINfusain n. Fine charcoal of willow wood, used as a drawing implement.
fusain n. A drawing made with it.
FUSAIN n. (French) a fine charcoal used in drawing.
FUSAINSfusains n. Plural of fusain.
FUSAIN n. (French) a fine charcoal used in drawing.
FUSARIAfusaria n. Plural of fusarium.
FUSARIUM n. a type of fungus, causing plant disease.
FUSARIUMfusarium n. (Biology) Any of various fungi, of the genus Fusarium, some of which are pathogenic to plants and animals.
Fusarium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Nectriaceae – many filamentous soil fungi.
FUSARIUM n. a type of fungus, causing plant disease.
FUSARIUMSFUSARIUM n. a type of fungus, causing plant disease.
FUSAROLFUSAROL n. (French) a semicircular moulding around a column, also FUSAROLE.
FUSAROLEfusarole n. (Architecture) A moulding generally placed under the echinus or quarter round of capitals in the Doric…
FUSAROLE n. (French) a semicircular moulding around a column, also FUSAROL.
FUSAROLESfusaroles n. Plural of fusarole.
FUSAROLE n. (French) a semicircular moulding around a column, also FUSAROL.
FUSAROLSFUSAROL n. (French) a semicircular moulding around a column, also FUSAROLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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