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There are 20 ten-letter words beginning with GAM

GAMAHUCHEDgamahuched v. Simple past tense and past participle of gamahuche.
GAMAHUCHE v. to practise cunnilingus or fellatio, also GAMARUCHE.
GAMAHUCHESGAMAHUCHE v. to practise cunnilingus or fellatio, also GAMARUCHE.
GAMARUCHEDGAMARUCHE v. to practise cunnilingus or fellatio, also GAMAHUCHE.
GAMARUCHESGAMARUCHE v. to practise cunnilingus or fellatio, also GAMAHUCHE.
GAMBADOINGgambadoing v. Present participle of gambado.
GAMBADO v. (Italian) to frolic.
GAMBOLLINGgambolling v. (Britain) present participle of gambol.
gambolling n. The act of one who gambols.
GAMBOL v. to leap about playfully.
GAMEFISHESgamefishes n. Plural of gamefish.
game␣fishes n. Plural of game fish.
GAMEFISH n. a fish caught for sport.
GAMEKEEPERgamekeeper n. A person employed to maintain the game for hunting and all associated materials and effects. Often shortened…
game-keeper n. Alternative form of gamekeeper.
game␣keeper n. Alternative form of gamekeeper.
GAMENESSESGAMENESS n. the quality of being game.
GAMESOMELYgamesomely adv. In a gamesome manner.
GAMESOME adv. playful, merry, sportive.
GAMETANGIAgametangia n. Plural of gametangium.
GAMETANGIUM n. an organ or cell in which gametes are produced.
GAMETOCYTEgametocyte n. (Cytology) A diploid germ cell that divides by meiosis into a gamete.
GAMETOCYTE n. a cell that divides to produce gametes.
GAMETOGENYGAMETOGENY n. the formation and maturation of gametes, also GAMETOGENESIS.
GAMINERIESgamineries n. Plural of gaminerie.
GAMINERIE n. (French) impishness, boyishness (in a girl).
GAMINESQUEgaminesque adj. Like a gamin or gamine; mischievously charming without sophistication.
GAMINESQUE adj. playful; impish; boyish.
GAMINESSESGAMINESS n. the condition of being gamy, also GAMEYNESS, GAMYNESS.
GAMMOCKINGgammocking v. Present participle of gammock.
GAMMOCK v. (dialect) to frolic.
GAMMONINGSgammonings n. Plural of gammoning.
GAMMONING n. the act of hoaxing.
GAMOTROPICGAMOTROPIC adj. relating to gamotropism, the tendency of gametes to attract one another.
GAMYNESSESGAMYNESS n. the condition of being gamy, also GAMEYNESS, GAMINESS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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