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There are 11 seven-letter words beginning with HIS

HISHINGhishing v. Present participle of hish.
HISH v. to hiss.
HISSELFhisself pron. (Now chiefly dialectal or informal) Himself.
HISSELF pron. (dialect) himself.
HISSERShissers n. Plural of hisser.
HISSER n. one who hisses.
HISSIERhissier adj. Comparative form of hissy: more hissy.
HISSY adj. temperamental.
HISSIEShissies n. Plural of hissy.
HISSY n. a tantrum.
HISSINGhissing v. Present participle of hiss.
hissing n. The sound of a hiss.
HISSING adj. making a hiss.
HISTINGhisting v. Present participle of hist.
HIST v. to urge or summon with such an interjection.
HISTOIDhistoid adj. Resembling the normal tissues of the body.
HISTOID adj. pertaining to connective tissue.
HISTONEhistone n. (Biochemistry) Any of various simple water-soluble proteins that are rich in the basic amino acids lysine…
HISTONE n. any of a group of simple proteins present in chromosomes and believed to act as gene inhibitors.
HISTORYhistory n. The aggregate of past events.
history n. The branch of knowledge that studies the past; the assessment of notable events.
history n. The portion of the past that is known and recorded by this field of study, as opposed to all earlier…
HISTRIOHISTRIO n. (archaic) an actor, also HISTRION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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